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Keep Me Warm  Ida Maria

Ida Maria - Keep Me Warm
you should probably use a capo somewhere
Am- xx221x
C- x12x3x
F- x3321x
[G]Pour myself a cup of coffee full of sober [Cadd9]nights,
Cos [G]nicotine and coffee are my friends in this [Cadd9]fight
And y[Am]ou, you k[C]eep me w[F]arm
[Am]You, you k[C]eep me w[F]arm
All your c[Am]igar[C]ettes and [F]a cup of coffee
[Am]It k[C]eeps me wa[F]rm
[G]Believe me I can play games cos I know all the [Cadd9]rules,
[G]Believe me I can pretend cos I've studied the [Cadd9]masks
But [Am]I don't w[C]anna p[F]lay any [Am]theatr[C]e for [F]you,
I don't [Am]wanna s[C]tage a s[F]ingle p[Am]iece f[C]or y[F]ou
[C] [F] [C] [F]  
Oh, [Am]you, you keep me w[F]arm
[Am]You, you k[C]eep me w[F]arm
All your c[Am]igare[C]ttes and [F]a cup of coffee
[Am]It k[C]eeps me w[F]arm
No, [Am]I don't w[C]anna s[F]tage any [Am]theatr[C]e for y[F]ou,
I don't w[Am]anna p[C]lay a s[F]ingle pie[Am]ce [C]for y[F]ou

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Am C Cadd9 F G
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