Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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My Girlfriend's Shower Sucks  Goldfinger

I noticed that this tab was only on UG for the bass, so I sat down and figured out what
believe to be an acurate tab. I use mainly ska chords, except for the F#, which I
to use a bar chord for. Here you go:
Song: My Girlfriends Shower Sucks
Artist: Goldfinger
Album: Goldfinger (Self-Titled)
Tuning: Standard
Here are the ska chords for you. As I already said, I prefer not to use the ska F#, so
use the bar instead. These are the only chords played in the song.
[Bm] [G] [A] [F#]  

For the intro you just keep playing Bm
[Bm]The temperature ch[G]anges, it ch[A]ills me to the b[F#]one.
[Bm]It makes me w[G]ish that I was was cl[A]eanin' myself at h[F#]ome
[G]It makes me gr[A]umpy and som[Bm]etimes I lose h[G]ope
[G]The water's h[A]ard so I can n[F#]ever rinse the soap
G A Bm Bm A G F# (Do this quickly)
And it's got no pressure
[G]The water dri[A]bbles down on [F#]me
G A Bm Bm A G F# (Quickly again)
And it's got no pressure
[G]It's like the [A]shower's going [F#]pee
And then you wanna arpeggiate the F# chord, and then the song is done.
I'm pretty sure this is near to perfect, it sounds right to me. Feedback is appreciated.

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A Bm F# G
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