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The Chain  Fleetwood Mac

Song: The chain(demo)
Stevie Nicks early solo demo.
Sounds like she's getting ideas down and riffing the verse lyrics,
but still interesting to hear how the song began.
Tabbed by: DJ
18th Feb 2013
Tuning: Standard
CAPO: 5th fret (Sounds in key of Am)
| [Em] / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / |
Sl[Em]ipped into the de[A]ltas of my emp[G]tiness,[A]
I [Em]let... teardops f[A]all, I let 'em go,[G] [A]
St[Em]epped into the can[A]yons of my lonel[G]iness,[A]
And I [Em]went about as f[A]ar as I could [G]go![D/F#] [Em]
And e[Em]ven as I sear[A]ched for you, [G]I knew...[A]
...That, e[Em]ven if I fo[A]und you, you'd be [G]so cold,[A]
And e[Em]ven when I fo[A]und you now, baby, [G]I knew...[A]
That I had g[Em]one about as f[A]ar as I could [G]go![D/F#] [Em]
And if y[G]ou don't [D/F#]love me [Em]now, you will n[G]ever [D/F#]love me a - g[Em]ain,
I can st[G]ill [D/F#]hear you sa[Em]ying you would ne[C]ver b[D/F#]reak the c[Em]hain,
[G] [D/F#] [Em] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 I can still----------- hear you saying...

...That if y[G]ou don't [D/F#]love me n[A7]ow, oh, [A7sus4] oh, [A7]oh----hoh,
You won't love me a - g[G]ain! | [D/F#]/ / / / | [Em]/ / / / |
[C]I don't [C/B]mean to beg,[Am] but [G]I don't know [D/F#]what else to [Em]say,
[C]If you meant [C/B]what you said, [Am] you'd 've b[G]een here yes[D/F#]terday,[Em]
[C] [C/B] [Am] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 I won't watch you go---, no, and I won't even try----,

Th[C]ere you go d[C/B]own the r[Am]oad, but don't look to [G]me to [D/F#]say goodbye--[Em]---!
( Tab from: )
And if y[G]ou don't [D/F#]love me [Em]now, you will n[G]ever [D/F#]love me a - g[Em]ain,
I can st[G]ill [D/F#]hear you sa[Em]ying you would ne[G]ver [D/F#]break the c[Em]hain,
I can st[G]ill----- [D/F#]hear you sa[Em]ying you would ne[C]ver b[C/B]reak the c[Am]hain,
And if y[G]ou don't [D/F#]love me n[A7]ow, oh, oh, [A7sus4]oh----ho[A7]h,
You won't love me a - g[G]ain! | [D/F#]/ / / / | [Em]/ / / / |
[A7] You won't love me a - ga[G]in! | [D/F#]/ / / / | [Em] / / / / |
[A7] You won't love me a - g[G]ain! Oo -[D/F#] oo, uh - [Em]huh!
[D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 Humm - mmm - mm, oo - oo - oo, oh - oh, oh - oh, oh, oh----!

[D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 Uh - uh, uh---! Uh - uh, uh---! Oo, oo - oo, oo - oo,oo,oo---!

[D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 Oo, oo - oo, oo, oo - oo, oo, oo - oo, oo, oo - oo, oo----!

[D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em] [D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 Why--------------------- why don't you love me? Ah - ah, ah - ah!

[D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em] [D/F#]  
 I'm down on my knees--------------, begging you to,

[G] [D/F#] [Em] [D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 Please-------------, baby, don't leave me------------------!

[D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 Baby, don't leave me------, Uh - uh, uh - uh, uh - uh---!

[D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em] [D/F#] [G] [D/F#] [Em]  
 Baby, please-----! Uh---, uh---! Baby, please-----! Umm---, umm--!

[D/F#]Baby, don't leave me! | [G]/ / / / | [D/F#] / / / / | [Em] / / / / |
[D/F#]Baby, don't leave me! | [G]/ / / / | [D/F#] / / / / | [Em] / / / / |
[D/F#]Baby, don't... leave... me-----!
Em = x22000 D/F# = 20023x Am = x02210
A = x02220 C = x32010 A7 = x02020
G = 320033 C/B = x2x010 A7sus4 = x02030

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A A7 A7sus4 Am C C/B D/F# Em G
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