Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
Update 25:10. 13:00. Site is back up running again. Songbooks are recovered. Woring on getting search back up..

Thank You  Dido

!!!To Guitar Tab Universe and any other guitar site that'll get this tab!!!
This is an updated version of my previous attempt.
That is... something like
You should delete the previous from your archive and replace it with this one.
IMHO you should also delete the 3 other versions, this is much better :-)
Thank You - Dido
Chords, lyrics & various comments.
"Various comments" 'cos they told me this song is a favorite of beginners... so here
and there I give some useful tips.
An easy song. Believe it or not, second time I listened to it I got the chords.
Played with a capo on the 4th fret.
Play | Em C | 8 times for the intro. C may be a Cmaj7, that is, E to e, X32000 or X32400.
Then | Em C | D G D | is the verse.
| Em C | D G D |
| Em C | D G D |
| Em C | Em/B C |
D/F# is 20023X. If you can't help strumming all the six strings, play 200230, as in
Pearl Jam's "Immortality".
[Em]My tea's gone [C]cold, I'm wondering [D]why I got [G]out of [D/F#]bed at [Em]all
The morning [C]rain cloud's up my [D]window, and [G]I can't [D/F#]see at [Em]all
And even [C]if I could, it'd [D]all be gray, but your [G]picture [D/F#]on my [Em]wall
It re[C]minds me that it's [Em/B]not so bad, it's no[C]t so bad
Play | Em C | twice, and then verse again.
I [Em]drank too m[C]uch last night, got b[D]ills to pay, my h[G]ead just f[D/F#]eels in p[Em]ain
I missed the b[C]us and there'll be [D]hell today, I'm l[G]ate for [D/F#]work ag[Em]ain
And even [C]if I'm there they'll a[D]ll imply that I mi[G]ght not l[D/F#]ast the d[Em]ay
And then you ca[C]ll me and it's [Em/B]not so bad, it's no[C]t so bad
Then turn to | G | C | G | C | G | C | Bm | Am |
Repeat this 5 times (1st as chorus, 2nd instrumental, 3rd verse, 4th and 5th chorus)
Stress the B on A string when passing from G to C (that is, play a G/B x20033).
You can pick the right rythm for this if you look at the next verse (Push the door...).
And [G]I want to th[C]ank you
For giving me the b[G]est day of my l[C]ife
And [G]oh, just to [C]be with you
Is having the [Bm]best day of my l[Am]ife
| G | C | G | C | G | C | Bm | Am |
Try a little soloing here using the G major scale

This? How to call it? Should be a fretboard with 6 frets.
If you want to play a G scale, choose the frets so that the
(*) are G's. So, those 6 fret would be 0 to 5, or 12 to 17.
Wanna play a C scale? Use frets from 5 to 10. Of course you
can play scales all over the fretboard, but this is a good
Hey: in this song you use a capo so that you actually play
the scale on frets from 4 to 9. A B scale. Not common. Where else?
John Mellencamp's "What If I Came Knocking", I think.
[G]Push the door, I'm [G/B]home at l[C]ast and I'm soaking t[G/B]hrough and thr[G]ough
Then you handed [G/B]me a t[C]owel and all I [G/B]see is y[G]ou
And even if my house f[G/B]alls d[C]own now, I wouldn't have a c[Bm]lue
Because you're n[Am]ear me...
And [G]I want to th[C]ank you
For giving me the b[G]est day of my l[C]ife
And [G]oh, just to [C]be with you
Is having the [Bm]best day of my l[Am]ife
And [G]I want to th[C]ank you
For giving me the b[G]est day of my l[C]ife
And [G]oh, just to [C]be with you
Is having the [Bm]best day of my l[Am]ife
That's all.
Comments: Ste,
(don't expect immediate answer... it may take me a while)

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Am Bm C D D/F# Em Em/B G G/B
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Guitar tuning
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