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Ordinary Man  Christy Moore


Ordinary Man by Christy Moore . . . tabbed by Bob M.

Open to suggestions and Please Rate!!
Dan is the Ordinary Man!!
Standard Tuning: EADGBE
F - 133211 or xx3211
G - 355433 or 320033
Am - 577555 or x02210
C - x35553 or x32010
E - x79997 or 022100
F G Am (x3)
[Am]I?m an ordinary m[G]an, nothing spe[F]cial, nothing gr[Am]and
I?ve h[F]ad to work for ev[G]erything I [Am]own
[Am]I never asked for a l[G]ot, I was ha[F]ppy with what I [Am]got
Eno[F]ugh to keep my fa[G]mily and my h[Am]ome
Now[F] they say that times are h[G]ard and they?ve ha[Am]nded me my ca[F]rds
They say th[F]ere?s not the work to go aro[E]und
A[Am]nd when the whistle bl[G]ows, the ga[F]tes will finally c[Am]lose
Tonigh[F]t they?re going to s[G]hut this factory d[Am]own
And they?ll tare it d[F]-o-w[G]-n[Am]
Bridge . . . F G Am
[Am]I never missed a d[G]ay, nor went on st[F]rike for better p[Am]ay
For 20 [F]years I se[G]rved them best I co[Am]uld
N[Am]ow with a handshake and a ch[G]eque it seems so e[F]asy to fo[Am]rget
Loyalt[F]y through the b[G]ad times and through g[Am]ood
T[F]he owner says he?s s[G]ad to see that th[Am]ings have got so b[F]ad
But the cap[F]tains of industry wont let him l[E]ose
[Am]He still drives a c[G]ar and sm[F]okes his c[Am]igar
[F]And still takes his fa[G]mily on a cr[Am]uise, he?ll never [F]lose[G] [Am]
Instrumental . . . F G Am
[Am]Now it seems to [G]me such a cr[F]uel i[Am]rony
He?s ri[F]cher now than e[G]ver he was be[Am]fore
[Am]Now my check is sp[G]ent and I c[F]ant afford the r[Am]ent
There?s o[F]ne law for the r[G]ich, one for the p[Am]oor
Eve[F]ry day I?ve tr[G]ied to salvage s[C]ome of[G] my p[Am]ride
To fin[F]d some work so?s I might pay my w[E]ay
[Am]Oh but everywhere I [G]go, the ans[F]wers always [Am]no
[F]There?s no work for an[G]yone here to[Am]day
No work t-o-[F]d-a-[G]y [Am]
Instrumental . . . F G Am
[Am]And so condemned I st[G]and, just an ord[F]inary [Am]man
Like thou[F]sands be[G]side me in the qu[Am]eue
[Am]I watch my darling w[G]ife trying to m[F]ake the best of l[Am]ife
A[F]nd God knows what the k[G]ids are going to [Am]do
No[F]w that we are fa[G]ced with t[C]his h[Am]uman wa[F]ste
[F]A generation cast as[E]ide
[Am]As long as I l[G]ive, I n[F]ever will for[Am]give,
You?ve stri[F]pped me of my dig[G]nity and p[Am]ride, you stripped me b[F]are[G] [Am]
You?ve stripped me[F] ba[G]re,[Am] you?ve stripped me [F]bar[G]e. [Am]
Instrumental (Until End) . . . F G Am (x6)
 g------------------ Love always to Eadaoin x---------------------||

My email is if you have any questions or
comments but constructive criticism only please.

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Am C E F G
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