Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Sprout  Bryan John Appleby

Tabbed based on this video:
If it isn't 100% accurate, it's pretty close. Enjoy!
[C]She came in the [Am]night on the n[F]inth of Oct[C]ober
They l[Am]ooked me in [C]my red e[F]yes and s[G]aid she won't l[C]ast
[C]We all knew that she should've s[Am]lept unt[F]il mid-Dec[C]ember
When it c[Am]omes to the l[C]ot I have l[F]earned, I can't c[G]ount on the c[C]ast
That n[F]ight a vision c[C]ame
[F]At the same time both [Am]vivid and v[G]ague
Of a f[F]ather looking [Am]on
As he [F]burns to the ground the [Am]house that he m[G]ade [G]
When I w[C]oke, I had been s[Am]lain in the sp[F]irit of re[C]ason
[Am]Bap-t[C]ized in the r[F]olling dark w[G]aters of d[C]oubt
[C]'Cause I'm told it's your will to withh[Am]old, but [F]it feels like tr[C]eason
A r[Am]ain cloud ref[C]using to p[F]our in a s[G]eason of dr[C]ought
That [F]night a vision [C]came
[F]At the same time both [Am]vivid and v[G]ague
Of a f[F]ather looking [Am]on
As he [F]burns to the ground the [Am]house that he m[G]ade[G]
And [F]I heard him s[C]ay
It was [Am]well on its w[C]ay
Just l[F]ook how it sw[Am]ayed
How it cr[A#]umbled and c[F]aved
As the cr[F]imson [C/G]glow of the f[Am]ire caught his [C]eye
I could t[F]ell he could h[Am]ear, [C]as well could [G]I
That al[F]ong with the cr[C]ackle and g[Am]rowl of the f[C]ire
Came a c[F]all quite sm[Am]all f[G]rom inside--
I[G]'m in here al[F]ive [Fm]
But n[C]ow, a child is [Am]born, she is b[F]ent but not br[C]oken
A sp[Am]ark, a s[C]eed and a spr[F]out
A [F7sus4]miracle or cat[F]astrophe
This c[Am]hild who's [C]orphaned her f[F]amily

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A# Am C C/G F F7sus4 Fm G
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