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Atlantic City  Bruce Springsteen

For those who don't want to use a capo
Atlantic City
Bruce Springsteen
By Steini
Well they[F#m] blew up the ch[A]icken man in Ph[D]illy last n[A]ight Now they[F#m] blew up
h[A]is house t[D]oo [A] Down on th[F#m]e boardwalk they're g[A]ettin' ready [D]for a f[A]ight
Gonn[F#m]a see what them r[A]acket boys can d[D]o [A] Now there's[F#m] trouble b[A]ustin' in from[D]
outta st[A]ate And th[F#m]e D.A. can't g[A]et no rel[D]ief [A] Gonna be [F#m]a rumble [A]out on the[D]
Pr[A]omenade And the[F#m] gamblin' comm[A]ission's hangin' on by the[D] skin of its t[E]eeth
Well now[F#m] everything d[A]ies baby th[D]at's a f[A]act But maybe [F#m]everything that d[A]ies
somed[E]ay comes [F#m]back Put your [F#m]makeup [A]on fix your h[D]air up pr[A]etty
And [F#m]meet me ton[A]ight in Atl[D]antic C[A]ity[F#m] [A] [D] [A] [F#m] [A] [D] [A]
Well I[F#m] got a j[A]ob and tried to put m[D]y money aw[A]ay But I got[F#m] debts that no h[A]onest
m[D]an can p[A]ay So I[F#m] drew what I h[A]ad from the[D] Central Tr[A]ust
And [F#m]I bought us two t[A]ickets on that[D] Coast City [E]bus
Now baby,[F#m] everything d[A]ies baby th[D]at's a f[A]act But maybe[F#m] everything that d[A]ies
somed[D]ay comes b[A]ack Put your [F#m]makeup [A]on fix your h[D]air up pr[A]etty
F#m A D A 2x: F#m A D A F#m A D A
And meet me tonight in Atlantic City
Now our[D] luck may have died and our[F#m] love may be cold but with y[A]ou for[E]ever
I'll s[F#m]tay We're[D] goin' out where the sand's[F#m] turnin' to gold
So[D] put on your st[A]ockin's baby `cause[D] the night's getting c[A]old And[D] everything d[A]ies
baby th[D]at's a f[A]act But maybe [D]everything that d[A]ies somed[E]ay comes b[D]ack
[F#m] [A] [D] [A] [F#m] [A] [D] [A]  
Now I bee[F#m]n lookin' for a j[A]ob but it's h[D]ard to f[A]ind Down here it's jus[F#m]t
winners and l[A]osers And don't get c[D]aught on the wrong s[A]ide of that line
Well I'[F#m]m tired of comin' o[A]ut on this l[D]osin' [A]end
So honey last [F#m]night I met this g[A]uy and I'm gonna do a little[D] favour for h[E]im
Well I guess[F#m] everything d[A]ies baby[D] that's a f[A]act But maybe [F#m]everything that d[A]ies
somed[D]ay comes b[A]ack Put your [F#m]hair up n[A]ice and s[D]et up pr[A]etty
And [F#m]meet me to[A]night in Atl[D]antic C[A]ity And [F#m]meet me ton[A]ight in Atl[D]antic C[A]ity
And [F#m]meet me to[A]night in At[D]lantic [A]City Will you [F#m]meet me ton[A]ight in Atl[D]antic C[A]ity
3x: F#m A D A F#m A D A

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A D E F#m
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Rate #7 of 12 versions

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