Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Stripes  Brandy Clark

First tab, so forgive me if there are mistakes!
Capo on 2
Woah, wo[Am]ah, woah, wo[G]ah
[Am]You were lyin' there with nothing on
But a goofy little grin and a platinum blonde
I ca[G]n't believe you'd do that on our bed[Am]
I got a pistol and I got a bullet
And a pissed off finger just'a itchin' to pull it
The only [G]thing keepin' me from losin' my head[Am]
Is I hate stri[C]pes and orange ain't my color[Am]
And if I squeeze[C] that trigger tonight
I'll be wearin[G]' one or the other
There's no crime[Am] of passion worth a crime of fashion[C]
The on[F]ly thing savin' your life[Am]
Is that I do[C]n't look good in orang[G]e and I hate stripes[Am]
[Am]Woah, woah, [G]woah
[Am]I could fall in love with the prison guard
I could sell cigarettes in the prison yard
Don't t[G]hink hard time would be that hard on me[Am]
I could pick up trash on the side of the road
But I'd die if I saw someone I know
Ain't the chai[G]ns, it's the clothes that's stoppin' me[Am]
( Tab from: )
Is I hate stri[C]pes and orange ain't my color[Am]
And if I squeeze[C] that trigger tonight
I'll be wearin[G]' one or the other
There's no crime[Am] of passion worth a crime of fashion[C]
The on[F]ly thing savin' your life[Am]
Is that I do[C]n't look good in orang[G]e and I hate stripes[Am]
Oh, and one [C]shot ain't worth a bad mugshot[Am]
God knows I wouldn't be caught[C] holdin' up a number
While the whole town's starin' at the picture
In the paper of me wearin' stripes
[C] [Am] [G] [Am]  
There's no crim[Am]e of passion worth a crime of fashion[C]
The onl[F]y thing savin' your life [Am]
Is that I [C]don't look good in orange a[G]nd I hate stripes[Am]
And orange ain't my color
And if I squeeze[C] that trigger tonight
I'll be we[G]arin' one or the other
There's no crim[Am]e of passion worth a crime of fashion [C]
The only [F]thing savin' your life[Am]
Is that I do[C]n't look good in orange a[G]nd I hate stripes[Am]

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Am C F G
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