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Where the Rose Is Sown  Big Country

Where The Rose Is Sown
Recorded by Big Country
Verse 1
[E]We're at war all the papers sa[A]y we will win I r[D]ead today [E]
[E]We are strong it wasn't u[A]s we are right [D]who started this[E]
[E]Leave your work I just left[A] school leave you?re h[D]ome I am no fool[E]
[E]Takes up arms it left me s[A]trong sound alarms th[D]e school bell rings[E]
[D]Sons of me[A]n who stand lik[E]e gods we give life to [D]feed th[A]e cause[E]
[D]And run to[A] ground our hea[E]then foe our name will [D]never d[A]ie this time wi[E]ll be forever
Verse 2
[E]Join up here I wave [A]goodbye we need you oh [D]my breast sighs[E]
[E]Have no fear now I must try [A]god will be wi[D]th braver men[E]
[E]Takes the vow I know i[A]ts right praise the [D]flag the good fight[E]
[E]We're at war I?m on[A] my way we will win wh[D]y do I pray [E]
Verse 3
[E]I wait here in t[A]his hole playing [D]poker with my soul[E]
[E]I hold the rifle clos[A]e to me it lights the[D] way to keep me free[E]
[E]If I die in a co[A]mbat zone box me up [D]and ship me home[E]
[E]If I die and st[A]ill come home lay me wher[D]e the rose is sown[E]

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