Wait The Beatles
Wait chords
The Beatles
[Em] [Am] [Am] [Em] [B7] [Em]
It's been a [Em]long [Am]time, [Am]now [Em]I'm [B7]coming back [Em]home
I've been a[Em]way [Am]now, [Am]oh [Em]how [B7]I've been a[Em]lone
[G]Wa[Cmaj7]it till I [G]come back [Cmaj7]to your [G]sid[Cmaj7]e
We'll for[G]get the [B7]tears we [Em]cried
But if your [Em]heart [Am]breaks, [Am]don't [Em]wait, [B7]turn me a[Em]way
And if your [Em]heart's [Am]strong, [Am]hold [Em]on, [B7]I won't de[Em]lay
[G]Wa[Cmaj7]it till I [G]come back [Cmaj7]to your [G]sid[Cmaj7]e
We'll for[G]get the [B7]tears we [Em]cried
[Em]I feel as [Am]though you ought to [D]know that I've been [G]good
As good as I can [Em]be
And if you [Am]do, I'll trust in [D]you
And know that [G]you will wait for [Em]me[B]
It's been a [Em]long [Am]time, [Am]now [Em]I'm [B7]coming back [Em]home
I've been a[Em]way [Am]now, [Am]oh [Em]how [B7]I've been a[Em]lone
[G]Wa[Cmaj7]it till I [G]come back [Cmaj7]to your [G]sid[Cmaj7]e
We'll for[G]get the [B7]tears we [Em]cried
It's been a [Em]long [Am]time, [Am]now [Em]I'm [B7]coming back [Em]home
I've been a[Em]way [Am]now, [Am]oh [Em]how [B7]I've been a[Em]lone
But if your [Em]heart [Am]breaks, [Am]don't [Em]wait, [B7]turn me a[Em]way
And if your [Em]heart's [Am]strong, [Am]hold [Em]on, [B7]I won't de[Em]lay
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