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Saving All My Love for You  Tom Waits

[C#7sus4] [C#7]  
[B7sus4] [Bm7]  
[E] [E7]  
[A7sus4] [A7]  
[C#7sus4]It's too early for the c[C#7]ircus it's[B7sus4] too late for the ba[Bm7]rs
[E7]everyones sleepin but the pape[A7sus4]rboys
and no one in this town is makin an[D]y noise
but the do[A7sus4]gs and the milk[E7]men and m[A7sus4]e[A7]
the g[Dsus2]irls around he[E7]re all look like Cadi[A7sus4]llacs[A7]
[E]and no one likes a st[E7]ranger he[A7sus4]re[A7]
I'[Dsus2]d come home but I'm [E7]afraid that you won't take me [A7sus4]back[A7]
but I'd tr[B]ade off every[B7]thing just to[E7] have you near[C#7sus4]
I know I'm irr[C#]esponsible and I [B7sus4]don't behave[Bm7]
and I ru[E7]in everything that I [A7sus4]do[A7]
and I'll probably get arrested when I'm in [D]my grave
but I'll be sa[A7sus4]vin all my l[E7]ove for yo[A7sus4]u[A7]
I paid f[Dsus2]ifteen dol[E7]lars for a pr[A7sus4]ostitute[A7]
with [E]too much ma[E7]keup and a br[A7sus4]oken shoe[A7]
but her [Dsus2]eyes were just a [E7]counterfeit she [A7sus4]tried to gyp me out of i[A7]t
but you kn[B]ow that I'm st[B7]ill in love with [E7]you[C#sus4]
don't listen to the ru[C#]mors that you he[B7sus4]ar about me[Bm7]
cause I a[E7]in't half as bad as they make me out [A7sus4]to be[A7]
well I may lose my mind but baby can[D]'t you see
that I'll be s[A7sus4]avin all my l[E7]ove for you[C#sus4] [C#7]
[B7sus4] [Bm7]  
[A7sus4] [A7] 

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A7 A7sus4 B B7 B7sus4 Bm7 C# C#7 C#7sus4 D Dsus2 E E7
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