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Wildest Dreams  Tom Cochrane

E = 022100
A = 002220
A+= 002230
D = X00232
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[E]You talk as if in r[A]iddles
[A]You [A+]talk a[A]s if in rhyme[E]s
[E]Down in the lion's [A]lair
[A]I st[A+]roke you[A]rself to feel so fi[E]ne
[E]And what are you afraid of[A]
[A]Afraid to get so [F#m]touched
[F#m]Like when you begin to f[A]eel, is that way way too[E] much
[E]You've lost your sense of pur[A]pose
[A]And yo[A+]u can'[A]t stand alo[E]ne
[E]There's no more circus h[A]ere
[A]And not[A+]hing's [A]carved in st[E]one
[E]I see you down in the des[A]ert
[A]And on the lonely be[F#m]ach
[F#m]I hold you in these pla[A]ces
[A]Where no one else can reach y[E]ou
(arpeggio E from high "e" string down)
For comfort there...
[E]In your wil[D]dest dr[A]eams[A+],[A]
[E]We can ta[D]lk until we s[A]ay something
[E]It don't [D]mean a t[A]hin[A+]g[A]
[F#m]I will be there when you [A]come back down, o[E]h yeah
[E] [A] Oh yeah, yeah.[E] [A]
Verse 2: (same chords as verse 1)
I hold you in the desert
And on the lonely beach
I hold you in these places
Where no one else can reach you
The words cannot reveal this
And nothing's carved in stone
So baby don't hide around it,
If it's something you can own
I want you when you're bad,
And when you think you're good
I want you when you won't
And when you think you should
I want you when you're angry
And when you come back down
I hold you above the water,
When you think that you might drown
Go A-wonder...
(Chorus 2)
[F#m]I look back in[D]
And you'll be sm[A]iling once aga[E]in
[F#m]I turn around[D]
Just as the su[A]n comes shining i[E]n on you
[F#m]We have not lo[A]st, but just be[E]gun
(Chorus 3 & 4)
Last line:
For now and ever, we've just begun...

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A A+ D E F#m
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