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Two Tongues  The Swell Season

What you gi[E]ve
Or give out[C#m7]
Is the [A6]onl[B/A]y [A6]thi[B/A]ng
That really c[A7M]ounts
Will you sta[E]y?
Here, stay aro[C#m7]und
And well b[A6]oth[B/A] start
[A6]Wor[B/A]king th[A7M]is out but it's not just this
It's [E]everything
You're so hard to reach. And imp[C#m7]ossible to really read
When you're ta[B/A]lking with two tongues in your mout[C#m7]h
And I wish you'd quit this m[A6]uttering beneath your breath
It's ki[C#m7]lling me
You've not said n[A7M]othing ye[E]t
Who's talking n[C#m7]ow?
Well I gu[A6]ess I[B/A]m sta[A6]r...[B/A]ting to [A7M]doubt
Are we lo[E]st here?
Are you keeping co[C#m7]unt?
Are you g[A6]onn[B/A]a ju[A6]st [B/A] let me [A7M]down? Well your hearts not in it
It's [E]everywhere, It's plain to see
You're still w[C#m7]ondering, what's underneath
You're so cu[B/A]rious
It's two strikes and you're o[C#m7]ut
And Im tiring of this [A6]attitude, how you fall to pieces
[C#m7]Like you do
I cant believe you're still t[B/A]alking
With two tongues in your m[C#m7]outh
After [A7M]all we've been a[E]round
Will you hear me [C#m7]out?
You're the [A6]onl[B/A]y t[A6]hin[B/A]g
That really c[A7M]ounts

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A6 C#m7 E
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