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Passenger Pigeons  The Handsome Family

[G]Ever since you moved [Em]out
I've been l[C]iving in the p[G]ark
I'd rather t[G]alk to the w[Em]ind
T[C]han an empty ap[G]artment
And I w[G]ish I could for[Em]get
How a b[C]illion birds flew [G]in
To my h[G]ollow dying h[Em]eart
The f[C]irst time I touched your a[G]rm
O[Em]nce there were a b[G]illion p[Am]assenger p[C]igeons
So m[G]any flew by they d[Em]arkened the s[C]ky
But t[G]hey were clubbed and s[Em]hot
N[C]etted gassed and b[G]urned
Until th[G]ere was nothing l[Em]eft
But p[C]iles of empty n[G]ests
[Em]I can't beli[G]eve [Am]how easi[C]ly
A b[G]illion birds can disapp[C]ear
The p[G]ark is empty n[Em]ow
It's [C]so cold o[G]ut
And a[G]ll the paddle b[Em]oats
Are c[C]overed up with s[G]now
But I[G]'m still sitting h[Em]ere
D[C]rinking frozen b[G]eer
And th[G]rowing potato ch[Em]ips
O[C]n to the white snow dr[G]ifts
Just in c[G]ase a bird dec[Em]ides
To f[C]ly through here toni[G]ght
[Em]I can't beli[G]eve [Am]how easi[C]ly
A b[G]illion birds can disapp[C]ear
No [Em]I can't beli[G]eve [Am]how easi[C]ly
A b[G]illion birds can disapp[C]ear

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Am C Em G
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