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Help Yourself  The Devil Makes Three

[Dm] [A7] [Dm] [G5] [A7]  
[Dm] [A7] [Dm] [A7] [Dm] [A7] [Dm]  
Even the d[Dm]evil was an angel 'fore he tr[A7]ied to rush the throne
Lord, they t[Dm]hrew him in hell there [G5]all a[A7]lone
[Dm]Now he builds a castle out[A7] of the sinner's bones
[Dm]You'd be angry [A7]too, if you could n[Dm]ever [A7]go h[Dm]ome
Well now, [A7]I ain't no preacher no pr[Dm]eacher man's son
[A7] I done some bad things but I l[Dm]ike to have my fun
A th[A7]ousand ways to heaven, a th[Dm]ousand ways to hell
Well I say, [G5] the good lord h[A7]elps those that help thems[Dm]elves[A7]
So help yours[Dm]elves now[A7] [Dm] [A7] [Dm]
[Dm]Old man Nicodemus could not h[A7]ear his heart bleed
[Dm] He saw that Jesus had some tr[G5]icks up his sl[A7]eeve
He said "[Dm]Oh man Jesus I can't [A7]do things your way
But I [Dm]see you work for s[A7]omebody big, so I'm b[Dm]ackin' y[A7]our p[Dm]lay."
[Dm] Old man Nicodemus, his p[A7]ockets they were deep
And on the d[Dm]ay that they decided to [G5]put Jesus to sl[A7]eep
Jesus c[Dm]ould not care for money now or a[A7]ny such thing
Old Nicod[Dm]emus paid to have J[A7]esus just b[Dm]uried l[A7]ike a k[Dm]ing.
Well now, [A7]I ain't no preacher no pr[Dm]eacher man's son
[A7] I done some bad things but I l[Dm]ike to have my fun
A th[A7]ousand ways to heaven, a th[Dm]ousand ways to hell
Well I say, [G5] the good lord h[A7]elps those that help thems[Dm]elves[A7]
So help yours[Dm]elves now[A7] [Dm] [A7] [Dm]
Our f[Dm]ather art in heaven h[A7]allowed be thy name
Told N[Dm]oah build a boat, on the dr[G5]iest of d[A7]ays
And everyb[Dm]ody in the neighborhood thought old N[A7]oah was insane
I guess when the w[Dm]aters rec[A7]eded now the t[Dm]ruth [A7]was p[Dm]lain
Well now, [A7]I ain't no preacher no pr[Dm]eacher man's son
[A7] I done some bad things but I l[Dm]ike to have my fun
A th[A7]ousand ways to heaven, a th[Dm]ousand ways to hell
Well I say, [G5] the good lord h[A7]elps those that help thems[Dm]elves[A7]
So help yours[Dm]elves now[A7] [Dm] [A7] [Dm]
M[Dm]oses was a great man, parted the w[A7]aters of the red sea
D[Dm]own the road to Egypt he made s[G5]ure the slaves were f[A7]ree
Well [Dm]he could speak to god, so they [A7]say, yes indeed
Well the n[Dm]oise of his vo[A7]ice woulda made our p[Dm]oor e[A7]ars b[Dm]leed
[Dm]Moses he had an army I t[A7]ell ya all his own
[Dm] They stood in circles outs[G5]ide his very h[A7]ome
And when the Ph[Dm]araohs got to killin' they left [A7]ol' Moses alone
But the R[Dm]omans drove those n[A7]ails through [Dm]Jes[A7]us' b[Dm]ones
Well now, [A7]I ain't no preacher no pr[Dm]eacher man's son
[A7] I done some bad things but I l[Dm]ike to have my fun
A th[A7]ousand ways to heaven, a th[Dm]ousand ways to hell
Well I say, [G5] the good lord h[A7]elps those that help thems[Dm]elves[A7]
So help yours[Dm]elves now[A7] [Dm] [A7] [Dm]
[Dm] [A7] [Dm] [G5] [A7]  
Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm A7 Dm ...

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A7 Dm G5
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