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The Graveyard Near the House  The Airborne Toxic Event

[C] [G] [Am] [B/C] [A/C] [G/C] 
 B|-1------0------ 1-------1-------1---------1--------------------|

When Mikel plays the G chord in this song,
he only plucks the top 4 strings.
In the into and at some points in the song
he strums the D string and then strums the chord.
This is subtle, but it makes the chord sound like
a D chord at first. At other points in the song,
he does strum the whole G chord. So it's tricky,
but if you want it to be perfect, you can listen
closely and see what I mean.
Another side note - The B/C, A/C, and G/C chords
are C chords with B, A and G on the bottom instead of C.
I'm sure they have more official names than that, but
this will do for now. Let me know if you know what
their official name is, and i'll add them in.
[C] [G] [C] [Am]  
The other d[C]ay, when we were walking by the grav[G]eyard near the house, you
asked me i[C]f I thought we would ever d[Am]ie. And if l[C]ife and love both fade so
pred[G]ictably, we've made ourselves a k[C]ind of predictable l[Am]ife.
And so I pic[C]tured us like corpses, lying s[G]ide by side in pieces, in some d[C]ark
and lonely blood under a b[Am]ow. We looked so si[C]lly there, all decomposed, half
tur[G]ned to dust, in tattered clothes, but we pro[Am]bably look just as silly now.
Bye bye bye b[C]ye, bye bye to all this do[G]gged innocence. I cant pre[C]tend that I
can tell you what is go[G]ing to happen next, or how to [Am]be. But you have [C]no [B/C]i-
[A/C]dea a[G/C]bout m[Am]e, do yo[C]u?
And it le[C]ft me to wonder if people will e[G]ver know each other by just
stum[C]bling around like strangers in the d[Am]ark. 'Cause some[C]times you seem so
strange to me, I m[G]ust seem strange to you. We're like two ac[C]tors playing our
pa[Am]rts. Did you mem[C]orize your lines? 'Cause I did. Here's the pa[G]rt where I get
so mad, I t[C]ell you I cant forget the p[Am]ast. You get so qu[C]iet now, and you
seem, somehow, like a lo[G]st and lonely child. And you just h[C]ope that the
moment wont l[Am]ast.
Bye bye bye b[C]ye, bye bye to all this do[G]gged innocence. I cant pre[C]tend that I
can tell you what is go[G]ing to happen next, or how to [Am]be. But you have [C]no [B/C]i-
[A/C]dea a[G/C]bout [Am]me, [C]no [B/C]i- [A/C]dea a[G/C]bout [Am]me, do y[C]ou?
So there's al[C]ways a way ar[Am]ound. There's som[C]ething tying our feet to the
gr[Am]ound. A moment pa[G]ssed, we hate how it so[Am]unds.
And it s[C]eems a l[B/C]ittle [A/C]less [G/C]profo[Am]und. Like we're a[C]ll g[B/C]oing the [A/C]same [G/C]way d[Am]own.
Yeah we're a[C]ll g[B/C]oing the [A/C]same [G/C]way d[Am]own. I'm just tr[C]ying[B/C] to [A/C]write [G/A]it all [Am]down.
'Cause I write so[C]ngs, and you write let[G]ters. We are t[Am]ied like two, in
te[G]thers. And we t[C]alk and read, and la[G]ugh and sleep, at n[Am]ight in bed,
tog[G]ether. And you w[C]ake in tears somet[G]imes, I can s[Am]ee the thoughts flash
across your e[G]yes. They say "Dar[C]ling, will you be ki[G]nd? Will you be a good
[Am]man, and stay be[G]hind if I get o[Am]ld?"
And then the let[C]ters all pass th[G]rough my head, with the wo[C]rds that [B/C]I was
t[Am]old. About the fa[C]ding flesh of li[G]fe and love, the fai[C]lures[B/C] of the b[Am]old. I
can li[C]st each crippling f[G]ear like I'm re[C]ading f[B/C]rom a w[Am]ill.
And I'll d[C]efy[B/C] ever[A/C]yone and [G/C]love you s[Am]till. I will ca[C]rry[B/C] you with[A/C] me up [G/C]every
[Am]hill. If you [Am]die before I [B/C]die, I'll carve your n[C]ame [B/C]out of the [Am]sky. I'll [Am]fall
asleep with your m[B/C]emory and d[C]ream of w[B/C]here you l[Am]ie.
It maybe bet[C]ter to move o[G]n, and to let l[Am]ife just carry [G]on. And I may be
w[Am]rong. But still, I'll t[C]ry.
'Cause it's be[Am]tter to l[B/C]ove whether you w[C]in or l[B/C]ose or [Am]die. Yeah, It's be[Am]tter
to l[B/C]ove whether you [C]win or l[B/C]ose or [Am]die. It's b[Am]etter to l[B/C]ove, and I will l[C]ove
you '[B/C]til I d[Am]ie.
End on C
If you have any questions, email me:
This is an amazing song, closing an amazing album.
Hope you guys enjoy :)

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A/C Am B/C C G G/C
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