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Illuminated Red  The Accidental

[Am] [F] [C] [G]  
[Am]If I leave before the [F]Raven
Just be[C]fore the empire [G]falls
[Am]We might find the occ[F]asion
To dance up[C]on those city w[G]alls
[F]Just imagine if each [Em]line you d[Am]rew
Was directed by [Em]you
[F]And imagine that each[Em] cup you f[Am]illed
Was a moment mea[Em]nt for you
And[F] illuminated r[Am]ed
And[F] illuminated w[Am]hite instead
Lik[F]e a red sock burning th[Am]rough my table
Lyi[F]ng in my b[G]ed
[Am] [F] [C] [G]  
[Am]If I wake before they [F]close up
Just be[C]fore the washing[G]'s done
[Am]I can watch my warm so[F]cks spinning
And wri[C]te a song to str[G]ike you dumb
[F]Just imagine if each [Em]word
We s[Am]aid was collected in a [Em]bag
An[F]d imagine if your [Em]mouth on m[Am]ine
Could bring all those atoms [Em]back
[F]And imagine lions and[Em] geese in here
And [Am]imagine cars and trains[Em]
[F]And imagine perfect s[Em]leep in he[Am]re
From the tyre tracks in your[Em] brain
And[F] illuminated r[Am]ed
And[F] illuminated w[Am]hite instead
Lik[F]e a white sun burning t[Am]hrough my TV
Lyi[F]ng in my b[G]ed

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Am C Em F G
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