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Enchanted  Taylor Swift

Capo on first fret
[G]There I was again tonight
[D]Forcing laughter, faking smiles
[Em]Same old tired, lonely pl[G]ace
[G]Walls of insincerity
[D]Shifting eyes and vacancy
[Em]Vanished when I saw your f[G]ace
All I can say, is that it w[C]as enchanting to [G]meet you[D]
[G]You're eyes whispered 'have we met?'
[D]Crossed the room, your sillohuette
[Em]Starts to make its way to [G]me
[G]The playful conversation starts
[D]Counter all your quick remarks
[Em]Like passing notes in [G]secrecy
And it [C]was enchanting to m[G]eet you [D]
All I can say w[C]as I was enchanted to m[G]eet you [D]
[C]This night [Em]is sp[G]arkling
[D]Don't you let it [C]go
I'm wonderstru[G]ck
Blushing a[D]ll the way home
[C]I'll spend fore[G]ver wo[D]ndering if you k[Em]new
I was en[C]chanted to m[G]eet you [D]
[G]The lingering question kept me up
[D]2 AM, who do you love?
[Em]I wonder till I'm wide aw[G]ake
[G]I know I'm pacing back and forth
[D]Wishing you were at my door
[Em]I'd open up and you would s[G]ay 'hey'
And it[C] was enchanting to [G]meet you [D]
All I know is that I w[C]as enchanted to [G]meet you[D]
[C]This night [Em]is sp[G]arkling
[D]Don't you let it [C]go
I'm wonderstru[G]ck
Blushing a[D]ll the way home
[C]I'll spend fore[G]ver wo[D]ndering if you k[Em]new
[C] [G] [D]  
[C]This night i[Em]s flaw[G]less
[D]Don't you let it [C]go
I'm wonders[G]truck
Dancing around a[D]ll alone
[C]I'll spend fore[G]ver w[D]ondering if you k[Em]new
I was en[C]chanted to m[G]eet y[D]ou
G D Em C x2
[G]This is me pr[D]aying now
[Em]this was the very first p[C]age
Not where the storyline ends
[Em]My thoughts will echo your name
[C]Until I see you ag[Em]ain
These are the words I held b[C]ack as I was leaving too s[D]oon
I was enchanted to m[G]eet you[D]
[G]Please, don't be in love with [D]someone else
[Em]Please, don't have somebody w[G]aiting on you
Please, don't be in love with so[D]meone else
[Em]Please, don't have somebody wa[G]iting on you
[C]This night [Em]is sp[G]arkling
[D]Don't you let it [C]go
I'm wonderstru[G]ck
Blushing a[D]ll the way home
[C]I'll spend fore[G]ver wo[D]ndering if you k[Em]new
[C] [G] [D]  
[C]This night i[Em]s flaw[G]less
[D]Don't you let it [C]go
I'm wonders[G]truck
Dancing around a[D]ll alone
[C]I'll spend fore[G]ver w[D]ondering if you k[Em]new
I was en[C]chanted to m[G]eet y[D]ou [G]

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C D Em G
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