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Get Over It  Stars Go Dim

[Dm] [Cm] [A#m]  
[Dm] How does it feel?[Cm]
To be the one to [A#m]cry
All alone and left to die[Dm]
How does it fe[Fm]el?
To know that all[A#m] your love was wasted on the good time
[Cm]And I don't care if your sorry and you mi[A#m]ssed me now
[Cm]And I don't care if your lo[A#m]nely and you need me now.
So baby get o[Fm]ver it
That's what you t[Cm]old me
When I tho[Gm]ught that I was the only one
Fo[A#m]rever was nothing but having fun
You need to get o[Fm]ver it
Try not to ta[Cm]ke it so hard
Try to keep fr[Gm]om making a fool of yourself
I took[A#m] your advice and I found someone else
Get o[Dm]ver it
Give it some time and your heart w[Cm]ill find a reason to get over mi[Dm]ne
Love is a cr[Fm]ime at least that's what you s[A#m]aid
It's crazy how your words come b[Cm]ack to haunt you for the re[A#m]st of your life
And leav[Cm]e you with nothing but hopeless wis[A#m]hing you were mine
[Dm] And I told you that it would end like th[A#m]is
And I told you that you would have[Fm] regrets
But it's funny how you come running b[Cm]ack to me
Acting like you never left or even missed a b[Dm]eat
Now you swear that you are so i[A#m]n love
And you tell me that I am the on[Fm]ly one
But I'm sorry I don't see a life with y[Cm]ou
I just can't take this anym[A#m]ore
[A#m] [Gm] [Fm]  
[Dm] [Cm] [A#m]  
[Dm] [Cm] [A#m]  
[Dm] [Fm] [A#m]  
[Dm] [Cm] [A#m]  
[Dm] [Fm] [A#m]  

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A#m Cm Dm Fm Gm
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