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Gimme the Sweet and Lowdown  Social Distortion

My favorite song on the album
Tabbed By RockinRyan13
If you have any corrections let me know! Thanks :D
**Capo 1 (standard)** **Capo 2 (1/2 step Down)**
[D]It was a moonlight mishap
You lost your[G] party hat[D]
Seems your [G]lifestyle ain't[D] so worth[G]while a[D]fter a[A]ll
A heavy hearted [D]taxi ride
Then a walk on the wi[G]ld si[D]de
Did your [G]guardi[D]an a[G]ngel l[D]et you d[A]own?
Gonna lay low and [D]play it straight
It's time to [G]rejuvena[D]te
Gonna [G]kick s[D]tart your h[G]eart until you c[D]ome a[A]round
I can [G]tell you now you've really go[A]tten the blues
I can [G]tell you now that I've w[A]alked in your shoes
Gimme the sweet and lowdown
[D] [G] [D] [A]  
You better get [D]outta the way
It's history made the h[G]ard [D]way
From a [G]he[D]ro to a ze[G]ro o[D]nce ag[A]ain
Ain't no time for[D] vanity
Or this [G]insani[D]ty
You're maladju[G]sted and [D]now you're bu[G]sted on[D]ce ag[A]ain
I can t[G]ell you now it comes as no[A] surprise
I can t[G]ell you now by that loo[A]k in your eyes
Gimme the sweet and lowdown
[D] [G] [D] [A]  
Solo: D G D G D G D A x2 G A G A, D G D A
You're looking kind[D]a punch drunk
Cuz that's the way you[G] strut your[D] stuff
With a [G]swing and[D] a swa[G]gger down the [D]road you [A]go
You shoulda made a[D] better choice
And listened to your i[G]nner [D]voice
You gotta [G]get r[D]ight or g[G]et left, [D]don't ya k[A]now
I can [G]tell you now it's the pe[A]ak of bad news
I can [G]tell you now that I've wal[A]ked in your shoes
Gimme the sweet and lowdown
D G x5 6th time After D go to A
The sweet and lowdown
Gimme the sweet the sweet and lowdown
Ending: D G D G D A D....D

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