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Ball and Chain  Social Distortion

Transcribed by Soch H.
Capo 1st Fret
Intro: C G F C
[C] [G] [F] [C]  
Intro Guitar Lead: (Not relative to capo)

[C]Well it's been ten years and a tho[G]usand tears
And lo[F]ok at the mess I'm i[C]n
[C]A broken nose and a br[G]oken heart
An em[F]pty bottle of g[C]in
Well I s[C]it and I pr[G]ay
In my br[F]oken down Chev[C]rolet
[C]While I'm singin' to my[G]self
There's g[F]ot to be another w[C]ay
[C]Take away, take a[G]way
Take aw[F]ay this ball and ch[C]ain
[C]I'm lonely and I'm ti[G]red
And I ca[F]n't take any more p[C]ain
[C]Take away, take a[G]way
Never [F]to return ag[C]ain
[C]Take away, take a[G]way
Take aw[F]ay, take away this ball and ch[C]ain
C G F C (x2)
[C]Well I've searched and I've sea[G]rched
To fi[F]nd the perfect li[C]fe
[C]A brand new car and a br[G]and new suit
I even g[F]ot me a little wi[C]fe
[C]But whenever I have g[G]one
I was su[F]re to find myself the[C]re
[C]You can run all your li[G]fe
But not g[F]o anyw[C]here
(Repeat Chorus)
Guitar Solo: (3:15) (Not relative to capo)

[C]Well I'll pass the bar on the w[G]ay
To my di[F]ngy hotel ro[C]om
[C]I spent all my mo[G]ney
Been drin[F]kin' since half past no[C]on
[C]I'll wake there in the mo[G]rnin'
Or ma[F]ybe in the county ja[C]il
[C]Times are hard getting ha[G]rder
I'm born to lo[F]se and destined to fa[C]il
(Repeat Chorus)
You could figure out the outro based on the riffs above. It's really easy to figure out.
C: x32010
G: 320033
F: 133211
s: slide
p: pulloff
h: hammeron

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