Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Circle  Slipknot

Chords used:
Start on - E5(A/5th String)
G5 - (E/6th String)
A5 - (E/6th String)
B5 - (E/6th String)
C5 - (E/6th String)
D5 - (E/6th String)
F# - (E/6th String)
Em - (< E minor chord on the 2nd fret)
D - ( Reg. Chord)
A - (Reg. Chord)
C - (Reg. Chord)
C5 -(A/5th String)
[Intro - Power Cbords] 
E5 - D5 C5 B5 A5 G5 E5 (2x)
[1st Verse - Power Cbords] 
[E5]Give me the dust of my father [G5] [A5] [B5] [C5] [D5] [C5] [E5]
[E5]Stand on the face of the ancient[D5]s[C5] [B5] [A5] [G5] [E5]
E5 G5 A5 F# Em(< E minor chord on the 2nd fret)
Bare the secret flesh of time itself
Follow me (Follow me)
[G5]I'v[A5]e c[F#]ome[Em] so far, I'm behind again
Follow me (Follow me)
[G5]I w[A5]ish[F#] so[Em] hard I'm there again
[G5]Fol[A5]low[F#] me[Em] (Follow me)
Follow me (Follow me)
[G5] [A5] [F#] [Em]  
[D]All that I [A]wanted are [C]things I had be[Em]fore.
[D]All that I [A]needed I [C]never needed [Em]more.
[D]All of my [A]questions are [C]answers to my [Em]sins.
[D]All of my [A]endings are [C]waiting to be[Em]gin.
(One finger on string strum one time before going into 2nd verse)

[2nd Verse] 
[E5]I know the way but I falter
[E5]Can't be afraid of my pa[G5]tie[A5]nce[F#] [Em]
[E5]There's a sacred place R[G5]aze[A5]l k[F#]eep[Em]s safe
Follow me (Follow me)
[G5]I'v[A5]e s[F#]een[Em] so much I'm blind again
[G5]Fol[A5]low[F#] me[Em] (Follow me)
I feel so bad I'm alive again
[G5]Fol[A5]low[F#] me[Em] (Follow me)
[D]All that I [A]wanted are [C]things I had be[Em]fore.
[D]All that I [A]needed I [C]never needed [Em]more.
[D]All of my [A]questions are [C]answers to my [Em]sins.
[D]All of my [A]endings are [C]waiting to be[Em]gin.
E5 - C5(A/5 string) G5 (4x)

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A A5 B5 C C5 D D5 E5 Em F# G5
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Guitar tuning
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