Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Snuff  Slipknot

Track: Snuff
This is SammyGatez's chords transposed into power chords so credit goes to him.
This is the acoustic guitar part.
email me at for any questions
[A5] [B5] [C5] [E5] [F5] [G5]  

tune guitar down to Db: C#,F#,B,E,G#,C#
A5 E5 F5 **
Bury all your secrets in my skin
C[A5]ome away with innocence, a[E5]nd l[F5]eave me with my sins
T[A5]he air around me still feel[E5]s like a [F5]cage
A[A5]nd love is just a camouflage [E5]for w[F5]hat resembles rage again?
(*the chord that comes after F5 is just a strum upwards from high string repeat in all Verses)
Pre Chorus:A5,E5,F5
So if you love me, let m[G5]e go. And run away before[A5] I know.
My heart is just too dark to [G5]care. I can't destroy what isn't [A5]there.
Deliver me into my F[G5]ate - If I'm alone I cannot ha[A5]te
I don't deserve to have[G5] you?
My s[F5]mile was taken long ago / If I can change I hope I neve[A5]r know
Pre Verse:A5,E5,F5
I st[A5]ill press your letter[E5]s to my [F5]lips
And c[A5]herish thE5 in parts of me[E5] that s[F5]avor every kiss
I c[A5]ouldn't face a life without[E5] your [F5]light
But [A5]all of that was ripped apart? [E5]when [F5]you refused to fight
So save your breath, I will not [G5]hear. I think I made it very cle[A5]ar.
You couldn't hate enough t[G5]o love. Is that supposed to be enou[A5]gh?
I only wish you weren't my f[G5]riend. Then I could hurt you in the e[A5]nd.
I never claimed to be a Sa[G5]int?
My o[F5]wn was banished long ago / It took the Death of Hope to let yo[A5]u go
So Break Yourself Against My S[G5]tones
And Spit Your Pity In My [A5]Soul
You Never Needed Any [G5]Help
You Sold Me Out To Save Y[A5]ourself
And I Won't Listen To Y[G5]our ShA5e
You Ran Away - You're All Th[A5]e Same
Angels Lie To Keep [G5]Control?
My L[F]ove Was Punished Long Ago
If You Still Care, Don't Ever Let Me Know
A5,E5,F5(twice),ends in A5
If you still care, don't ever let me know?

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A5 B5 C5 E5 F F5 G5
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