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Save My Life  Sidewalk Prophets

Capo 2
[C]We?ve met half a dozen times
I know your name I know you don?t know m[Am]ine
But I won[F]?t hold that ag[G]ainst you
[C]You come here every Friday night
I take your order and try to be po[Am]lite
And h[F]ide what I?ve been going th[G]rough
If yo[F]u l[Am]ooked me ri[G]ght in the [F]eye
Would s[Am]ee the p[G]ain deep ins[F]ide
Would you t[G]ake the time to
[C]Tell me what I need to hear
[G]Tell me that I?m not forgotten
[Am]Show me there?s a God
W[F]ho can be more than all I?ve ever wanted
[C]?Cause right now I need a little hope
[G]I need to know that I?m not alone
[Am]Maybe God is calling you tonight[F]
To tell me som[Am]ething
That might save my l[G]ife
[C]I?m the pastor at your church
For all these years you?ve listened to my wo[Am]rds
You think[F] I know all the an[G]swers
[C]But I?ve got doubts and questions too
Behind this smile I?m really just like [Am]you
Afra[F]id and tired and inse[G]cure
If yo[F]u lo[Am]oked me rig[G]ht in the e[F]ye
Would s[Am]ee the p[G]ain deep ins[F]ide
Would you t[G]ake the time to
[C]Tell me what I need to hear
[G]Tell me that I?m not forgotten
[Am]Show me there?s a God
W[F]ho can be more than all I?ve ever wanted
[C]?Cause right now I need a little hope
[G]I need to know that I?m not alone
[Am]Maybe God is calling you tonight[F]
To tell me something[Am]
That might save my l[G]ife
(C, G, Am, F)
Save my life
[C]I am just like everyone
Jesus I need You, I need Your L[Am]ove
To s[F]ave my li[G]fe
[C]Tell me what I need to hear
[G]Tell me that I?m not forgotten
[Am]Show me there?s a God
W[F]ho can be more than all I?ve ever wanted
[C]?Cause right now I need a little hope
[G]I need to know that I?m not alone
[Am]Maybe God is calling you tonight[F]
To tell me something[Am]
That might save my l[G]ife

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Am C F G
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