Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Old Photographs  Sawyer Brown

I[C]'ve be[Am]en lettin' all my fri[C]ends
Take my mi[Am]nd off all the tro[F]ubles
[F]They've all been gl[C]ad to help me o[Am]ut
for a wh[F]ile
But your m[Am]emory steps i[C]n and I'm
[Am]turnin' back the pa[F]ges
[F]Lookin' through old phot[C]ographs and
[G]tryin' to find your sm[C]ile
[Am]~Old photogra[C]phs bring back s[Am]weet
[C]Lookin' at the way I held you th[G]en
[F]Old phtotgrap[C]hs ke[Am]ep you here with m[F]e
'Til I fi[C]nd a way to get[Am] back in the
pi[G]cture aga[C]in~
So[F]methings never cha[C]nge as the y[Am]ears
go on bet[F]ween us
[F]Like all my lo[C]ve for you stil[Am]l feels
the sa[F]me
[F]All those yesterda[C]ys that I wa[Am]nted to
[F]Are sittin' here beside m[C]e wh[G]ere
these old pictures l[C]ay
Repeat Chorus
[F]'Til I f[C]ind a way to get[Am] back in the
pic[G]ture aga[C]in
This is not the exact way to play this song, but it works. I could never find the chords
anywhere to this song so I had to do it myself. Plus SB is one of the greatest bands I
have ever known~crowAngel.

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Am C F G
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