Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Astronaut  Salem Al Fakir

I tabbed how to play this. Please notice the tuning and look the way to play the
chords correctly. You can play them just the way they are without any change in
the tuning, but it sounds a LOT better my way.
[D] [A] [G] [E7] [Bm] [F#m]  

It sounds nice if you slide from one chord to another without changing the grip
(of course this doesn't work when it's time for Bm or F#m)
[D]He l[A]oved her [G]so
[D]But she was [A]already gone, [E7]long ago
[D]He r[A]eally wanted her to [G]stay
[Bm]She co[A]uldn't wait to g[E7]et away
[D]And I was st[A]uck in the middle
[D]He t[A]ried to work it[G] out
[D]But that's was [A]hard 'cause she is an a[E7]stronaut
[D]He d[A]idn't know a [G]thing mm..
[Bm]Behind[A] his back the story was h[E7]appening
[D]And I was st[A]uck in the middle
[D]He l[A]oved her [G]so
[D]But she was alr[A]eady gone, l[E7]ong ago
[D]He r[A]eally tried until the [G]end mm..
[Bm]She had her[A] own plans [E7]to attend
[G]And I was s[A]tuck in the middle
[G]I was s[A]tuck in the middle
[G]I was s[A]tuck in the middle
D, Dsus2(or Dadd9,)Dsus4, D, Dsus2(or Dadd9)
[F#m]She le[G]ft him to be with[A] me
[F#m]We had a [G]few things together but [A]eventually
I understood[F#m] what se was u[G]p to
it was [A]planned from the beginning
and the plan was carried t[F#m]hrough[G] [A]
[F#m] [G] [A] And now I'm still in the middle
[D]I l[A]oved her [G]so
[D]But she was [A]already gone to the [E7]next in row
[D]I r[A]eally wanted her to [G]stay
mm[Bm]mm She [A]couldn't wait to [E7]getaway
[D]And I was [A]stuck in the middle
[D]I l[A]oved her [G]so
[D]But she was [A]already gone lo[E7]ng ago
[D]I re[A]ally tried until the[G] end
mmm[Bm]m she ha[A]d her own plan[E7]s to attend
[G]And I was st[A]uck in the middle
[G]I was stuck [A]in the middle
[G]I was stuck [A]in the middle
D, Dsus2(or Dadd9,)Dsus4, D, Dsus2(or Dadd9)

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A Bm D E7 F#m G
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Guitar tuning
2.75 Stars
Rate #3 of 3 versions

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