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We're All Alone  Rita Coolidge
Intro: | G G Am7 Am7 | Bm7 Bm7 Am7 Am7 |
[G] Out[Gbm7]side the [B7]rain be[Em]gins and [Dm7]it may [G7]never [C]end
So [Gmaj7]cry no more, [Bbdim]on the shore a d[Am7]ream
D7 Bm7 Bm7 Em Em |
Will take us out to sea
Fo[Am7]rever more, fo[D7sus4]rever more
[G] C[Gbm7]lose your [B7]eyes and [Em]dream and [Dm7]you can [G7]be with [C]me
'[Gmaj7]Neath the waves, th[Bbdim]rough the caves of h[Am7]ours
D7 Bm7 Bm7 Em Em |
Long forgotten now
We're [Am7]all alone, we're [D7sus4]all alone
C[G]lose the w[Am7]indow calm the [Bm7]light
And [B7]it will be alr[Em]ight, no [Dm7]need to [G7]bother [C]now
[Gmaj7]Let it out [Bbdim]let it all be[Am7]gin
D7 G G Am7 Am7 | Bm7 Bm7 Am7 Am7 |
Learn how to pretend
[G] [Gbm7]Once a s[B7]tory's [Em]told it [Dm7]can't help [G7]but grow [C]old
[Gmaj7]Roses do [Bbdim]lovers too, so [Am7]cast
D7 Bm7 Bm7 Em Em |
Your seasons to the wind
And [Am7]hold me dear, oh h[D7sus4]old me dear
C[G]lose the w[Am7]indow calm the [Bm7]light and [B7]it will be al[Em]right
No [Dm7]need to [G7]bother [C]now, [Gmaj7]let it out [Bbdim]let it all be[Am7]gin
D7 Bm7 Bm7 Em Em |
All's forgotten now
We're [Am7]all alone, oh we're [D7sus4]all alone
C[G]lose the w[Am7]indow calm the [Bm7]light and [B7]it will be al[Em]right
No [Dm7]need to [G7]bother [C]now, [Gmaj7]let it out [Bbdim]let it all be[Am7]gin
D7 Bm7 Em | Am7 Am7 D7sus4 D7sus4 |
Owe it to the wind my love
Outro: |(4/4) G G Am7 Am7 | Bm7 Bm7 B7 B7 | Em Em Dm7 G7 |
| C C Gmaj7 Gmaj7 | Bbdim Bbdim Am7 Am7 |(2/4) D7 D7 |
|(4/4) Bm7 Bm7 Em Em | Am7 Am7 D7sus4 D7sus4 |

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Am7 B7 Bbdim Bm7 C D7sus4 Dm7 Em G G7 Gbm7 Gmaj7
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