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Same Ol' Love  Ricky Skaggs

I'd [G]pretend it was over, bu[C]t over was a [D]word I couldn't [G]take
Ea[G]ch time I thought I'd left you
I [Cadd9]find my way back t[D]o you the nex[G]t day [C] [D]
I[Em] was foolish to think
That I could [D]leave you for good
A[Em]t times I thought I might
But I k[D]now I never cou[E]ld
It's the sa[A]me ol', same ol' l[E]ove
A[Bm]ll forgiving se[D]nt from up ab[E]ove
And your sa[A]me ol', same ol' l[E]ove
I[Bm]s all I need
Yes [D]I never get eno[E]ugh of your s[A]ame ol' love
Other girls would have left me
If I had so much as said the word goodbye
But you stood there patiently
And watched my leaving turn into a lie
Heaven knows the kind of magic here
That keeps me hangin' on
As long as you're holding me
I know I can't go wrong
It's the same ol', same ol' love
All forgiving sent from up above
And your same ol', same ol' love
Is all I need
Yes I never get enough of your same ol' love
There's no chance of doing better
Or finding someone new
'cause the truth is
They don't make 'em any better than you

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A Bm C Cadd9 D E Em G
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