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Hotel Song  Regina Spektor

-Josh Ritter-

Capo 2nd fret
Intro line:

S[G]unday night, it's supper time
T[Em]he hotel's full and all is fine
Y[C]ou can see that neon no vacancy sign
F[D]rom the window of room 39
M[G]onday morning at half past eight
E[Em]verbody's gone they've left no trace
I[C] sit alone as the day grows late
W[D]ait to see your friendly face
W[G]hy you chose my hotel
I[Em]'m not real qualified to tell
I[C]t's just your face I remember well
W[D]hen you asked if I had a room to sell
W[G]ell, maybe you liked just what you saw
T[Em]he cable tv and the indoor spa
O[C]r maybe it was the low low price
2[D]7 bucks a night.[G]
Em G*
They say the highway is for lovers
Em C G*
But he ain't no friend of mine
C[Em]oz every time I find my heart
C D D*
I lose it to that long yellow line
[G]You checked in I checked you out
[Em]You smiled from the corners of your mouth
[C]I turned on the no vacancy sign
[D]As you checked in to room 39
[G]I saw the light from your tv
[Em]You were watching channel 23
[C]The night was long, the dark was deep
[D]I kind of cried myself to sleep
[G]Morning broke itself at last
[Em]You got your continental breakfast
[C]Dropped off the key and said goodbye
[D]I think i thought I head you sigh
[G]I caught a glimpse of your license plate
[Em]As you were drifting down the interstate
[C]It said you were from delaware
[D]I said oh it must be gorgeous there
repeat last line of chorus, end on G

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C D Em G
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