Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Lounge  Regina Spektor

[Bm] [G]  
[C]D#[F]m A#m (D#m may be just D#)
[F#] [C#]  
[Bm] [G]  
[D#m] [A#m]  
[Bm] [G]  
[C] [F]  
Since there's no clear verse/chorus/bridge, i wrote the chords along with the lyrics so
to make it easier to understand.
[Bm]I don't c[G]are that flowers g[Bm]row for y[G]ou,
And [C]me, and [F]me
[Bm]You don't k[G]now what love is [Bm]till you s[G]ee,
Her stan[C]ding th[F]ere
A w[C]eb of skin and nails and h[F]air
A w[C]eb of skin and nails and h[F]air
And bones and bones, and th[D#m]oughts
Rushing[A#m] in, [D#m]out her hair
You think you [A#m]are alive, but you are d[F#]ead
You k[C#]eep, on dr[F#]iving in your car as[C#]leep
And driv[F#]ing in your car
[Bm]I dont k[G]now why flowers g[Bm]row in wi[G]nter t[C]ime
The s[F]ky turns gray the sun don't sh[C]ine
And pe[F]ople rush to be on t[D#m]ime
For w[A#m]armth they [D#m]wrap them selves in woolen cl[A#m]oaks
And h[F#]ats and s[C#]carves
Like larva[F#] in their incubato[C#]rs
Like larva[F#] in their incubato[C#]rs cars
And d[Bm]riiiiiiiv[G]e and [Bm]driiiiii[G]ve
[D#m]Tu Tu Tu Tu[A#m] Tu Tu (x5)
And [Bm]drive and d[G]rive and d[Bm]rive and [G]drive a[Bm]nd drive
[G]Until they g[C]et a[F]way
Alternative naming:
Sim Sol x3 Do Fa
Re#m La#m
[Fa#] [C#]  
Tabbed by Facundo M Quiroga, for comments/corrections: facundoq at gmail

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A#m Bm C C# D#m F F# G
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