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My Prayer  The Platters

My Prayer:The Platters.

[Am]When the twilight is gone, [B7]and no songbirds are [Em]singing.
[Em]When the twilight is [Am]gone, [B7]you come into my [Em]heart..
and [Am]here in my [C7]heart, you will [B7]stay..while I [E]pray..

My [E]prayer, is to linger with [F#]you.
At the end of the [Am]day, in a dream that's di..[E]vine.[B7]
My [E]prayer is a rapture in [F#]bloom,
With the world far a[Am]way, and your lips close to [E]mine.
[Am]Tonight, while our hearts are a[Em]glow..
oh, [Am]tell me the words, [F#]that I'm longing to [B7]know..

My [E]prayer and the answer you [F#]give,
may they still be the [Am]same, for as long as we [E]live,
that you'll always be [A]there..[B7]at the end of my..[E]praye[Am]r.[E]
A fifties smash from Kraziekhat.

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A Am B7 C7 E Em F#
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