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Feelin' Love  Paula Cole

[G] [C] [G]  
Love[Eb], lov[F]e[Eb] [G]
[G]You make me feel like a sticky pistil...
leaning into a sta[C]men
[G]You make me feel like a mister sunshine...
You make me feel [C]like splendor in the grass...
While we're rollin'[F]
Damn skippy baby
[G]You make me feel like the Amazon's runnin' between...
my thig[Eb]hs[F] [G]
[G]You make me feel love, love, love, love, love
[C]love, love, love, love, love
[G]You make me feel love, love, love, love, love
[Eb]love, [F]love, l[Eb]ove, love[G]
[G]You make me feel like a candy apple
All red and horny[C]
[G]You make me feel like I wanna be a dumb blonde
In a centerfold, the girl next door[C]
[C]And I would open the door and...
I'd be all wet
With my tits soak[F]ing through this tiny little t-shirt...
That I'm wearing
And you would o[G]pen the door and tie...
Me up to the be[Eb]d[F] [G]
Lover, but I don't know who I am
Am I Barry White? Am I Isis? Ohhh...
Lover, I'm laced with your unconscious
Oh baby babe babe baby
I will be your Desdemona [Eb]ahh[F]hhh...
Take your time
You make me feel Ahaa
You make me feel WooWoo baby
You make me feel Ahaa mmm
You make me feel loved
I didn't put the chords of the last parts, but everything goes with the same flow as the other parts.

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C Eb F G
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