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I Don't Like to Sleep Alone  Paul Anka

I Don't like to Sleep Alone
Recorded in Bb
(Capo on 3rd fret to play along with the song)
I play it in a different key - G (no capo)
Easier on my voice, and the guitar doesn't sound so tinny
Play with it and enjoy
 Intro: G - D - Em - Am - C - D - G 

Verse 1
[G] I don't l[D]ike [Em] to sleep al[Am]one, [C] stay with [D]me, don't [G]go.
[G] Talk with[D] me [Em] for just a [Am]while, [C] so much of y[D]ou to get to [G]know.
[C] Reaching o[D]ut, [G] touching [Em]you, [Am]leaving all the [D]worries far beh[G]ind[-].[G7]
[C] Loving you[D], [G] the way I[Em] do, [Am] my mouth on yo[D]urs and yours on m[G]ine.
Verse 2
[G] Marry [D]me, [Em] or let me live with [Am]you, [C] nothing's w[D]rong when love is ri[G]ght.
[G] Like the man sa[D]id [Em] in his so[Am]ng, [C] help me ma[D]ke it through the n[G]ig[-]ht[G7].
[C] Lonelin[D]ess [G] can get you d[Em]own, [Am] when you get to t[C]hinking no one c[D]ares.
Verse 3
[G] Lean on [D]me, [Em] and I'll lean on [Am]you, [C] together w[D]e will see it thr[G]ough.
[G] Oh, I don' t li[D]ke [Em] to sleep al[Am]one, [C] sad to thi[D]nk some folks d[G]o.
G D Em Am C D ~ pause ~ G
No, I don't like to sleep alone, no one does, - - - do you?
G D Em Am C D ~ pause ~ G - C - G
I don't like to sleep alone, no one does, - - - do you?

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Am C D Em G G7
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