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I Hope I Didn't Just Give Away the Ending  New Radicals

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A C#m-F#m E/G#-A (with voices...) Shut up! ( E A ) x4
[E]She wanted to be a nun unt[A]il that fateful day we met
[E]I beat the crucifix in [A]a, game of, Rus-sian roul-ette
[E]I burned my Beatles records, '[A]cause she hated number nine
[E]She licked rock cocaine suckers, la[A]ughed, said her mom's doing mine
[F#m]Well, are you an illu[A]sion, or am[F#m] I just getting st[A]oned?
Because I can't take it al[E]one,[A] I can't take it alone
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
[E]We started limping, caught the h[A]andicap shuttle to town
[E]And yelled "God's healed us" as we r[A]an off, the bus the driver just, fr[E]owned
By the way this girl was s[A]exy and she wouldn't touch you
[E]That may not be true, but I sa[A]id it so you'd feel involved with this song
[F#m]Are you an ill[A]usion, or am[F#m] I just getting st[A]oned?
Because I can't take it al[E]one,[A] I can't take it al[E]one
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
[E]We caught a fey taxi driv[A]er, I smiled the ride was free
[E]I felt like Amsterdam, she w[A]ant'd more drugs and maybe me
[E]I told her dealer I was br[A]oke, he hired a camera man
[E]We did a porno film for c[A]oke, I hear I'm big in Japan
[F#m]Are you an ill[A]usion, or am[F#m] I just getting st[A]oned?
Because I can't take it al[E]one,[A] I can't take it al[E]one
I hope I didn't just give away the ending
[E]We went back to her kitchen, p[A]ut the coke all in a can
Tied up a T.V minister, in walked her dad
[E]He started drinking coffee, t[A]oo much sugar on the go
[E]He fell dead on the floor, he th[A]ought the coke was sweet'n'low
[F#m]Well are you an illus[A]ion, or am [F#m]I just getting sto[A]ned?
Bah bah bah bah-bah bah b[E]ah
E (hold) A (hold)
Boy was she upset, but then she stole her dad's wallet and
E (hold) A (hold)
I drove him to the hospital, to sell all of his donatable body parts
E (hold) A (hold)
And this is where she dies, they brought a depressed junkie in
E (hold) A (hold)
She shot his Cyanide up, I guess she thought it was Errol Flynn
[F#m]I'm blamed in the conf[A]usion, t[F#m]he po-lice being ph[A]oned
I don't even l[A]ove you, we weren't even fr[F#m]iends
It's just that I can't take it al[E]one,[A] Uh, huh, I can't take it al[E]one[A]
I h[E]ope I didn't just give away the ending, I h[A]ope I didn't just give away the ending (3x)
[E]Aw Jesus, Ah shit! I th[A]ink I just gave away the ending [E]

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