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Someday We'll Know  New Radicals

Someday We'll Know by New Radicals
B: x24442 A9: x02200 E: 022100
C#m: x46654 A9/F#: 202200
Intro: B, C#m, A9
[B]Ninety m[C#m]iles o[A9]utside Chicago
Can't stop driving I don't know why
So many questions I need an answer
[A9/F#]Two years later you're sti[B]ll on my mind
[B]What ever happ[C#m]ened to Emilia [A9]Airheart
Who holds stars up in the sky
It's true love just once in a lifetime
[A9/F#]Till the captain of the Titanic [B]cry
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now if love [A9]could move a mountain
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now why the [A9]sky is blue
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now why I wa[A9]sn't meant for you[B]
[B]Does any[C#m]body know the way t[A9]o Atlantis
Or what the wind says when she cries
I'm straighten by the place that I met you
[A9/F#]For the ninety-seventh time [B]... tonight
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now if love c[A9]ould move a mountain
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now why the[A9] sky is blue
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now why I w[A9]asn't meant for you[B]
[B]Yea yeah yeah yeah
[B]Someday we'll kn[C#m]ow why Samson l[A9]oved Delilah
[B]One day I'll [C#m]go danc[A9]ing on the moon
[B]Someday you'll k[C#m]now that I [A9]was the one for you[B]
B, C#m, A9 (2x)
[B]I bought a tic[C#m]ket to the end o[A9]f the rainbow
I watch the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God just one question
[A9/F#]Why aren't you here with me ... ton[B]ight
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now if love c[A9]ould move a mountain
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now why the[A9] sky is blue
[B]Someday we'll k[C#m]now why I w[A9]asn't meant for you[B]
[B]Yea yeah yeah yeah
[B]Someday we'll kn[C#m]ow why Samson l[A9]oved Delilah
[B]One day I'll [C#m]go danc[A9]ing on the moon
B C#m A9 B E...
Someday you'll know that I was the one for you.

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A9 A9/F# B C#m
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