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What Sin?  Morgan Cryar

[Bb] [Eb] [Cm] [F/A]  
[Bb]It happened so long ago
I [Ebmaj7]cried out for mercy back then
[Gm]I plead the blood of Jesus
[Eb]Begged Him [F]to for[Gm]give my [F/A]sins
[Bb]But I still can't forget it
[Eb]It just won't go away
So [Gm]I wept again
[Bb]"Lord, wash my sin"
But [Eb]this is all He'd [F]say
[Bb] What sin, [F/A]what sin
That's as [Gm]far away as the [Bb/F]east is from the [Eb]west[F]
[Bb] What sin, [F/A]what sin
It was [Gm]gone the very [Bb/F]minute you con[Eb]fessed
Buried in the [Fsus]sea of forgetful[Bb]ness[Cm7/F]
[Bb]The heaviest thing you'll carry
Is a [Eb]load of guilt and shame
[Gm]You were never bear it
So [Eb]let them [F]go in [Gm]Jesus' [F/A]name
[Bb]Our God is slow to anger
[Eb]And quick to forgive our sin
[Gm]So let Him put them [Bb]under the blood
Don't [Eb]bring them up [Fsus]again[F]
'Cause He'll just say
Repeat Chorus
Bridge: (much louder)
[Bb] [F/A] [Gm] [Bb/F] [Eb] [Eb/D]  
[Cm]Oh, Lord please de[Bb/D]liver me[Eb]
From my accusing m[Bb/D]emory[Cm]
Nothing makes me [Bb/D]weep this [Eb]way
Than when I [Fsus]hear You say[F]
Repeat Chorus (softer, as before)
(Ending chords)
[Bb] [F/A] [Gm] [Bb/F] [Eb] [Gm] [F] [Bb]  

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Bb Bb/D Bb/F Cm Cm7/F Eb Eb/D Ebmaj7 F Fsus Gm
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