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The Dogs of B.A.  Mirah

I love this song and I've never been able to find the chords for it... So I
deciphered them myself. It was fun. Here you go. -Ani
The Dogs of B.A.
[Em]I hung myself out on t[G]he line
[D/F#]Beneath an argentina [Em]sky
[Em]And i expected there [G]to dry
[D/F#]Beneath the argentina [Em]sky
[Em]Upon the rooftop here so [G]high
[D/F#]Beneath the argentina [Em]sky
[Em]The storm did call me to its [G]side
[D/F#]Beneath the argentina [Em]sky
[C]And the dogs of buenos aires they w[B7]ill take you from your sleep
[C]Between the firecrackers cackling and [B7]the taxis in the street
[C]And if you wake up lonely better throw some [B7]shoes upon those feet
To keep the [C]heartbreak from [B7]taking your [Em]life
[Em]Once i had planned to [G]be your bride
[D/F#]Before this argentina[Em] sky
[Em]Now i just tend my wou[G]nded pride
[D/F#]Under this argentina [Em]sky
[Em]Now i want the rain to[G] fall into my eyes
[D/F#]From this argentina s[Em]ky
[Em]The thunder to match m[G]y anguished cries
[D/F#]Beneath this argentin[Em]a sky
[C]I looked into the darkening and whi[B7]le the air did chill
[C]I knew that though i'm here in exile t[B7]hat you should love me still
[C]And when the rain began to pound i[B7] lifted up my face until
I was [C]soaked with the a[B7]che of the [Em]sky
[C] [B7] [Em]  
Em G D/F# Em x4 (during talking part in spanish. Lalala.)
Ella hac�a el lavado de una terraza,
Mientras el sol le quemaba la espalda,
Ella intentaba fregar el sudor de su desconsuelo,
Escurrir las lagrimas,
Pero antes que la tarea estuviera terminada,
La ropa todav�a doliente en la soga,
Bajo desde el delta un viento poderoso
Y las nubes se cargaron a lo largo del cielo
�R?pido, adentro, cerrad las ventanas, viene una tormenta!
Sac? tu ropa de la soga.
[Em]So many tears could ma[G]ke me blind
[D/F#]Beneath this argentin[Em]a sky
[Em]But still my love for [G]you i can't deny
[D/F#]Even under argentina'[Em]s skies
[Em]I'll seek until a path[G] to you i find
[D/F#]Under these argentina[Em] skies
[Em]When will you take me [G]back incide
[D/F#]From under argentina'[Em]s skies
[C]I looked into the darkening and whi[B7]le the air did chill
[C]I knew that though i'm here in exile t[B7]hat you should love me still
[C]And when the rain began to pound i [B7]lifted up my face until
I was [C]soaked with the [B7]ache of the [Em]sky
When will [C]you take me [B7]back i[Em]nside
From [C]under these [B7]argentine s[Em]kies?

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B7 C D/F# Em G
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