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You Alone Can Rescue  Matt Redman

The other had wrong lyrics. This is basically a more accurate version.
Key B
Capo 4
Verse 1: (twice)
[G]Who, oh Lord, could sa[C]ve thems[G]elves,
Th[C]eir own s[G]oul could [D]heal?
Our [Em]shame was d[G]eeper t[C]han the [G]sea
Your g[C]race is [D]deeper [G]still
You alone can re[C]scue, Y[D]ou alone can[Em] save
You alone can l[C]ift us f[D]rom the g[Em7]rave
You came down to f[C]ind us, l[D]ed us out of d[Em]eath
To You alone bel[C]ongs the h[D]ighest p[G]raise[C] [G] [C]
Verse 2:
[G]You, oh Lord, have m[C]ade a w[G]ay
The g[C]reat div[G]ide You h[D]ealed
For w[Em]hen our h[G]earts were f[C]ar a[G]way
Your l[C]ove went f[D]urther s[G]till
Yes, your lo[C]ve goes f[D]urther s[G]till
You alone can re[C]scue, Y[D]ou alone can[Em] save
You alone can l[C]ift us f[D]rom the g[Em7]rave
You came down to f[C]ind us, l[D]ed us out of d[Em]eath
To You alone bel[C]ongs the h[D]ighest p[Em]raise
To You alone bel[C]ongs the h[D]ighest p[Em]raise
To You alone bel[C]ongs the h[D]ighest p[G]raise
We li[G]ft up our eyes, lift up our eyes
You?re the Gi[C]ver of Life
We li[G]ft up our eyes, lift up our eyes
You?re the Gi[C]ver of Life
We l[Em]ift up our eyes, lift up our eyes
You?re the G[C]iver of Life
We l[Em]ift up our eyes, lift up our eyes
You?re the G[C]iver of Life

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C D Em Em7 G
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