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Shine Like the Son  Matt Maher

Artist : Matt Maher
Album : Empty And Beautiful
Song : Shine Like The Son
Key : D
[D]Verse [G]1[C] [D]
[D]How beauti[G]ful a[C]re the hands and [D]feet of t[G]hose
[C]bringing the good n[D]ews to all the wo[G]rld
[C]bringing the good n[D]ews to all the wo[G]rld[C]
Verse 2
[D]How beauti[G]ful t[C]he sign of your pe[D]ople in l[G]ove with
[C]something so much gre[D]ater than the[G]mselves,
[C]someone so much grea[D]ter than them[G]selves[C]
You m[Bm]ade [A]us [G]worth[A]y
S[D]hine like the [G]Son
S[D]hine like the [G]Son
S[D]hine like the [G]Son
[Bm]for everyon[G]e, [Bm]for everyon[G]e, [Bm]for everyon[G]e
Verse 3
[D]How beauti[G]ful are the hands and f[D]eet of th[G]ose
[C]working in the [D]vineyard of the L[G]ord
[C]working in the [D]vineyard of the L[G]ord
Verse 4
[D]Blessed are tho[G]se going in the [D]name of the [G]Lord
[C]in the middle of the lo[D]st and the po[G]or
[C]living in the n[D]ame of the Lo[G]rd
[Bm]Announcing pe[A]ace as the prod[G]igals come h[D]ome
[G]You open up the d[D]oors and
[G]the prodigals come h[A]ome
[Bm]Setting the c[A]aptives f[G]ree by Your [D]Word
You fr[G]ee us by Your W[D]ord
You fr[G]ee us by Your W[A]ord

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A Bm C D G
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