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Hold Us Together  Matt Maher

Intro C G/B Am F (repeat)
[C] It [G/B]don't have a [Am]job [F]
[C] It [G/B]don't pay your [Am]bills[F]
[C] Won't [E7/B]buy you a [Am]home in [F]Beverly Hills
[C] [F] [C] [G]  
[C] Won't [G/B]fix your [Am]life [F]
[C] In f[G/B]ive easy [Am]steps [F]
[C] Ain't the l[E7/B]aw of the [Am]land or the [F]government
[C] [F] [C] [G]  
But it's [G7]all you need
And [C]love w[G/B]ill [Am]hold us to[F]gether
[C]Make us a [F]shelter to w[Am]eather the s[F]torm
And [C]I'll [G/B]be my b[Am]rother's k[F]eeper
So the [C]whole world will k[F]now that we're [G]not a[C]lone
[C] It's [G/B]waiting for[Am] you [F]
[C] Knocking [G/B]at your[Am] door[F]
[C] In the [E7/B]moment of tr[Am]uth when your he[F]art hits the floor
[C] [F]  
And you're [G7]on your knees
Bridge 2X
This is the [C]first [G/B]day of the [Am]rest of your [F]life
This is the [C]first [G/B]day of the [Am]rest of your [F]life
'Cause [C]even in the [E7/B]dark you can st[Am]ill see the li[F]ght
It's gonna be [C]alright[F]
It's gonna be [C]alright[G]
And [C]love [G/B]will h[Am]old us to[F]gether
[C]Make us a [F]shelter to w[Am]eather the s[F]torm
And [C]I'll [G/B]be my b[Am]rother's k[F]eeper
So the [C]whole world will k[F]now that we're [G]not a[C]lone

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Am C E7/B F G G/B G7
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