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Look Like a Fool  Matt Maher

Capo it to the key of Bb. I don't know how many frets that is, so google it or something.
[Bb]All God's [Fsus/Bb]creatures got [Eb2/Bb]place in the choir
[Bb]Some sing[Fsus/Bb] low and some sing[Eb2/Bb] higher
[Bb] Some just [Fsus/A]hang out like a [Gm7]bird on a w[Fsus]ire
[Em7(b5)]Waiting to fly [Ebmaj7]home.
[Bb]All God's c[Fsus]hildren are the a[Eb2]pple of His eye
E[Bb]ven the [Fsus]ones we can't s[Eb2]tand sometimes
But we're co[Bb]ming to[Fsus/A]gether just to [Gm7]go outside[Fsus]
And I need s[Em7(b5)]omething to sing with this n[Ebmaj7]eighbor of mine
[Bb]That's why g[Gm7]race is [Eb2]so amaz[Fsus]ing
[Bb]That's why [Gm7]love is s[Eb2]o abs[Fsus]urd
And th[Bb]at's why I [Gm7]sing for a [Eb2]God unch[D7]anging
[Eb2]That's why I don't c[Fsus]are if I look like a [Bb]fool
[Bb] [Fsus] [Ebmaj7] [Bb] [Fsus] [Ebmaj7] 
[Bb]All God's p[Fsus/Bb]eople got a re[Eb2/Bb]ason to live
[Bb]Joy for t[Fsus/A]he good da[Eb2/Bb]ys and true love to give
[Bb]So we [Fsus/A]raise up our [Gm7]hands and lay down [Fsus]our sin
And rem[Em7(b5)]ember the day that our [Ebmaj7]freedom began
Fe[Gm7]eding the hungry, cl[Em7]othing the naked
[Ebmaj7]Giving the homeless a p[Bb]lace to r[F/A]est
Vi[Gm7]siting the pris'ner, li[Em7(b5)]fting up the lowly
(No Chords) Cm7
By our fruits may You shine on us
May you [Bb/D]shine on us
(Chorus however many times you want. Although it's not like that in the actual song, it is fun)
[Fsus] [Ebmaj7] If I look like a f[Bb]ool[Fsus] [Ebmaj7] [Bb]

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Bb Bb/D D7 Eb2 Ebmaj7 Em7 Em7(b5) Fsus Fsus/A Gm7
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