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Great Things  Matt Maher

This is pretty much right on the money
The Em in the bridge is only played for a half measure, not a full measure.
When coming out of the bridge back to the Chorus hold the D chord.
Great song from a great worship leader.
Great Things
Matt Maher
Intro: C D G
My sou[C]l p[D]roc[G]laims your [C]grea[Em]tness lo[D]rd
Rejo[C]ici[D]ng [G]in [G/B]my S[C]avior
Your m[C]erc[D]y b[G]elongs to t[C]hose who f[Em]ear Your So[D]n
His bl[C]essing Y[D]ou have [G]given [G/B]them fore[C]ver
And Ho[G]ly [C]is His [D]name And [G]Holy [C]is His N[D]ame
You alone have d[G]one great things
I can?t boast of an[D]ything
Mighty one and k[C]ing of k[G]ings, Je[D]sus
You alone have do[G]ne great things
By your living wo[D]rd in me
Mighty one and king of ki[G]ngs, [D]Jesus[C] [D] [G] [C] [D] [G]
And it?s y[C]our name we?re shou[G]ting out shou[D]ting out loud [Em]
And it?s [C]your name we?re sho[G]uting out sho[D]uting out ?[D] You alone have done...

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C D Em G G/B
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