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Maranatha  Matt Maher

Marantha - Matt Maher
This is a great song by matt maher. pretty easy. God bless!
Intro: G C G C G C D C
Verse 1:
[G]Come let us go[C] to the h[G]ouse of the Lord[C]
The King[G]-dom of Go[C]d in the cit[D]-y of ma[C]n
[G]A place for all rac[C]-es
[G]A place where Your grac[C]e is
Dwell[G] in our heart[C]s in the work[D]s of our han[C]ds
[G]Come [G/B] agai[C2]n [G]feed [G/B]Your l[C2]ambs
[G]We a[G/B]re Y[C2]our han[G]ds
[C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [D] [C]  
Verse 2:
[G]And now we se[C]e as [G]in a mirror[C]
Reflec[G]-tions of Yo[C]u of wha[D]t is to c[C]ome
A [G]glorious cloud[C] a[G] beauty profound[C]
In the wid[G]-ow, the or[C]-phan
The lame[D] and the poor[C]
Chorus 2X:
[G]Come [G/B]again[C2] f[G]eed Y[G/B]our la[C2]mbs
[G]We a[G/B]re Y[C2]our han[G]ds
[G/B] [C]  
[G]We are a broken world[D7/G] oh Lord
[G]Not worthy for the cal[D7/G]l to love
We're healed[Em] by grace through fait[Bm7]h in You
A peo[C2]ple truly set[D7] apart
[G]We are a broken worl[D7/G]d oh Lord
[G]Not worthy to be se[F#dim7/C]t apart
We[G/B] die unto our[C2] selfish ways
And go[Em7] unto Your sa[D/F#]cred heart
Chorus 2X:
[G]Come [G/B]again[C2] f[G]eed Y[G/B]our la[C2]mbs
[G]We a[G/B]re Y[C2]our han[G]ds
[G/B] [C] [G] [G/B] [C] [G] [G/B] [C]  
[G] [G/B] [C2]  
Thats about it. any questions email me.

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Bm7 C C2 D D/F# D7 D7/G Em Em7 G G/B
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