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What's Going On  Marvin Gaye

Song: What's going on
Band: Marvin Gaye
Tuning: standard - eBGDAE
Tabbed by: Der Bomber
So this here is my version of "What's going on",
the chords are not that basic,
but I think that they sound alright with this song.
Should be played loosely to give more of a funky feel to it.
Chords used:
[Emaj7] [C#m7] [F#m11] [B9sus4] [Am] 
x79897 x46454 2x2200 7x7650 x02210

[Emaj7]Mother, mother There's too many[C#m7] of you crying
[Emaj7]Brother, brother, brother There's far too many[C#m7] of you dying
You know we've[F#m11] got to find a way
To bring some [B9sus4]lovin' here today - Ya
[Emaj7]Father, father We don't need to [C#m7]escalate
You see,[Emaj7] war is not the answer For only love ca[C#m7]n conquer hate
You know we've[F#m11] got to find a way
To bring some [B9sus4]lovin' here today
[F#m11]Picket lines and [B9sus4]picket signs
[F#m11]Don't punish me with b[B9sus4]rutality
[F#m11]Talk to me, s[B9sus4]o you can see
[Emaj7]Oh, what's going on What's going on
[C#m7]Ya, what's going on Ah, what's going on
(some sort of break or interlude)
[Am]In the mean time Right on, baby Right on Right on
[Emaj7]Father, father, everybody [C#m7]thinks we're wrong
Oh, b[Emaj7]ut who are they to judge us Simply because our [C#m7]hair is long
Oh, you know we've [F#m11]got to find a way
To bring some und[B9sus4]erstanding here today
[F#m11]Picket lines and [B9sus4]picket signs
[F#m11]Don't punish me with [B9sus4]brutality
[F#m11]Talk to me, [B9sus4]so you can see Oh!
[Emaj7]What's going on Ya, what's going on
Tell me [C#m7]what's going on
I'll tell you [Emaj7]what's going on - Uh
[Am]Right on baby
Right on baby

To get the exact rythm and "spacing" of the lyrics,
my advice is to just listen to the song!!!

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Am B9sus4 C#m7 Emaj7 F#m11
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