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It Doesn't Matter  Manassas

From RICKL1@IX.NETCOM.COM Tue Apr 8 13:05:45 1997
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 03:15:09 GMT
Subject: It Doesn't Matter Hillman/Manassas Chords/Words
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Manassas It Doesn't Matter written by Steve Stills/Chris Hillman
[F]Falling and spinning losing and winning [Am]keeping my head
[F]Watching for signals wearisome vigil [Am]was I mislead
I remem[G]ber you said
That you [D]don't want to forget me
[F]It doesn't matter [G]which of our fantasy's [Am]fail
[F]Every tomorrow looking tomorrow a [Am]piece of today
R[F]un a bit faster here comes the catcher [Am]making his play
You had b[G]etter not stay
You will [D]soon be surrounded
[F]It doesn't matter [G]which of our fantasy's [Am]stay
W[F]eary and lonesome calling for someone l[Am]iving right now
[F]Something is shallow ugly and hollow
Doesn't [Am]even allow you to [G]want to know how
You might [D]live for the living give for the giving moment by moment
One day at a time
[F]It doesn't matter it's [G]nothing but dreaming [Am]anyhow

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Am D F G
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