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Satellite of Love  Lou Reed

Satellite of love
Lou Reed
[F]Satellite's [G7]gone
Up to the [Bb]skies[C]
[F]Thing like that dr[G7]ive me
Out of my [Bb]mind[C]
[Dm]I watched it [C]for a li[Bb]ttle while
Gm Bb (hold)
I like to watch things on TV

[F] [C]Satellite of love
[Eb] [Bb]Satellite of love
[F]Oh [C]Satellite of love
Dm ?C -Bb C
Satellite of

[F] Satellite's g[G7]one
Way up to M[Bb]ars[C]
[F]Soon it will be f[G7]illed
With parking c[Bb]ars[C]
[Dm]I watched it f[C]or a l[Bb]ittle while
Gm Bb (Hold)
I love to watch things on TV

[F] S[C]atellite of love
[Eb] [Bb]Satellite of love
[F] [C]Satellite of love
Dm ?C -Bb C
Satellite of
[F]I've been t[C]old that y[Bb]ou've been b[C]old
With H[Bb]arry, Ma[C]rk and J[F]ohn
[F]Monday, Tue[C]sday, Wedn[Bb]esday to Thu[C]rsday With
[Bb]Harry, M[C]ark and J[F]ohn
[F]Satellite's [G7]gone
Up to the s[Bb]kies[C]
[F]Things like that d[G7]rive me
Out of my mi[Bb]nd[C]
[Dm]I watched it [C]for a [Bb]little while
Gm Bb(Hold)
I love to watch things on TV
[F] [C]Satellite of love
[Eb] [Bb]Satellite of love
[F] [C]Satellite of love
Dm ?C -Bb C
Satellite of

F G Bb F (Chords Only)
[F]Satellite o[G]f Lo[Bb]ve[F]
(repeat several times )

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Bb C Dm Eb F G G7
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