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Islands In The Stream  Kenny Rogers

[C]Baby when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth c[C7]omb.
I was so[F]ft inside there was something goin o[C]n
[C]You do something to me that I can't explain
Hold me closer and I feel no p[C7]ain ev'ry b[F]eat of my heart
We got something goin [C]on    [F]    [C]
Tender love is [Fmaj7]blind  It requires a dedication
[Fm]All this love we feel needs no conversation
We r[C]ide it together uh huh makin' love with each other un huh
   Islands [G7]in the str[C]eam  that is what we a[F]re
   No one in be-t[Dm7]ween How can we be wrong
   Sail away with [C]me to another wo[F]rld
   And we re-[C]ly on each other uh huh
   From one l[Dm7]over to another uh h[C]uh

[C]I can't live without you if the love was gone
Ev'rything is nothing if you got no [C7]one
And you did w[F]alk in the night
Slowly losin sight of the r[C]eal thing [F]   [C]   But
That won't happen to us and we got no doubt
Too deep in love and we got no way [C7]out
And the me[F]ssage is clear this could be the year
For the re[C]al thing   [F]     [C]
No more will you [Fmaj7] cry  Baby I will hurt you never
We s[Fm]tart and end as one in love for ever
We r[C]ide it together uh huh makin' love with each other un huh


Sail Away
Oh, come sail away, with me

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C C7 Dm7 F Fm Fmaj7 G7
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