Night Flight Justin Hayward
Night Flight (Justin Hayward)
% We were t[Dm]wo lonely travelers in the s[Bb]ky that night
We were two golden eagles in the sky today
We were two lonely travelers in the sky that night
T[Dm]wo lonely travelers high f[Bb]lying
Two golden eagles high flying
Two lonely travelers high flying
Al[Dm]one in the night on an e[Bb]ndless flight
Who swept through the air to a secret lair
Alone in the night on an endless flight
Killing t[Dm]ime with polite convers[Bb]ation
Flying free slowly wheeling and gliding
Killing time with polite conversation
Killing t[Dm]ime in your shy hesit[Bb]ating way
Flying free on the sea and the high plateau
Killing time in your shy hesitating way
Killing t[Dm]ime killing my isol[Bb]ation[Am]
Flying free on the breeze without trying
Killing time killing my isolation
[Dm] Two lonely travelers br[Bb]eaking ice
By opening up a f[Am]ew old back p[Dm]ages [Am] [Dm] (1) Am Dm Go %(2)
And l[Bb]etting secrets [Am]out of their c[Dm]ages[Am] [Dm]
But w[Bb]anting to rem[Am]ain perfect st[Dm]rangers[Am] [Dm] [Am] [Dm] [Am] [Dm]
& Cause I was on a n[Bb]ight fl[Am]ight floating above the w[Dm]orld
Yes it was the m[Bb]oonl[Am]ight painting the wings in p[Dm]earl
High above the cl[G]ouds[Bb], high above the w[Dm]orld
Yes I was on a n[Bb]ight fl[Am]ight lost in a different w[Dm]orld
I can see the s[Bb]tarl[Am]ight silver a gypsy g[Dm]irl
High above the cl[G]ouds[Bb], high above the w[Dm]orld (1)Go %(3)
[Am] [Dm] [Am] [Dm] Repeat and fade from &
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