Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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I Would  Justin Bieber

If you want to, you can watch my Video-Tutorial for this song here:
It will help you to understand this tab better, even though it is alredy kinda clear.
E = 022100 ( or E4 = 022200 )
A = X02220
D = X00232
Bm =224432
F#- =244222
[A]If I could take aw[E]ay the pain an[D]d put a smile[A] on your face
[Bm]Baby I w[F#-]ould, ba[D]by I wou[A]ld
If I c[A]ould make a better[E] way, so you c[D]ould see a be[A]tter day
[Bm]Baby I w[F#-]ould, bab[D]y I wou[A]ld,
B[A]aby do it to the s[E]ky and lend yo[D]u the key[A]s,
Let y[Bm]ou know that you'r[F#-]e always welcomed so th[D]at you never le[A]ave
Why yo[A]u owe those fancy [E]things that yo[D]u only see on[A] tv, yeah
Run[Bm] away, to a hut aw[F#-]ay, we be living the am[D]erican drea[A]m
An[A]d i, know it'[E]s never gon[D]na be that ea[A]sy
But[Bm] I know [F#-]that he w[D]ant us [A]to try
[A]If I could take aw[E]ay the pain an[D]d put a smile[A] on your face
[Bm]Baby I w[F#-]ould, ba[D]by I wou[A]ld
If I c[A]ould make a better[E] way, so you c[D]ould see a be[A]tter day
[Bm]Baby I w[F#-]ould, bab[D]y I wou[A]ld
W[A]o-o[E]h, [D]wo-[A]oh, [A]wo-[F#-]oh baby I would
2 part is THE SAME
"Yeah it's not about what I want
It's all about what you need
I know that it hurt you, but that wasnt me
And I know, and I know sometimes it's hard to see
That all we need to be"
I learned this song today and I didn't have the time to learn this short final
part, see if you can find it yourself or wait for someone else to tab it :)

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