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The Great Puzzle  Jules Shear

Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 21:30:03 EST
Subject: s/shear_jules/the_great_puzzle.crd
Subject: CRD:the_great_puzzle by Jules Shear
>From the album "The Great Puzzle"
Submitted by K. Weber
The Great Puzzle - Jules Shear
Once aga[G]in I have forgotten my final des[Am]tination after chasing i[C]t down too[G]
many suns
So tonig[C]ht you and I bring desperation t[G]o this highway, and we're not the only[D]
Outside [G]a stillness that could o[Am]nly be summer and we are Mendici[C]no bound[G]
Feeling [C]out of place as the ship[G] that keeps on forward long after it's run[D]
And I'm [C]thinking ahead too much, but what are we then, when we're not th[D]inking
at all
I've got[C] so many loose ends, dragging behind me, mysteries that [D]want to be
Like a m[Am]aze where you could take a thousand paths, Like[C] all the questions[Am] [C]
that it does no good to ask
Some mig[Am]ht accept it, some might complai[D]n, It's a great puzzle,[C] but you've[G]
gotta like games
Like a c[G]andle that's been recently blown[Am] out, I can still smell [C]the smoke[G]
>From a [C]chance turned to missed opportun[G]ity, my latest enemy of hope[D]
A gamble[G]r knows exactly how much you giv[Am]e away with a smile and it's rea[C]l[G]
But I on[C]ly gamble on myself thes[G]e days, I prefer the way it feels[D]
And I'm [C]thinking aloud too much, giving too much up, I can't wait to se[D]e the
world as it is
And have[C] a whole perception turn from ruins to exception, with the one t[D]iny
detail I miss
You've gotta like games,[C] and working them through[G]
Figuring out why some win and so[D]me lose, and whe[Am]re does that leave me and you[G]
I've met[C] coal miners who hate coal, thieves who hate what they stole, and they[D]
think they've figured it out
Rich men[C] who sleep preserved in warmth, who can't be hurt by any storm,
And they[D] think they know what life is about
But it's[Am] a maze where you could take a thousand paths I[C]t's all the questions[Am] [C]
that it does no good to ask
Some mig[Am]ht reject it, some go insane[D]
It's a g[C]reat puzzle, but you've gotta like game[G]s, It's a great puzzle, but[C]
you've gotta like g[G]ames[CGCG]
Subject: CRD:the_great_puzzle by Jules Shear
>From the album "The Great Puzzle"
Submitted by K. Weber
The Great Puzzle - Jules Shear
Once [G]again I have forgott[Am]en my final des[C]tination after chasi[G]ng it down too
many suns
So to[C]night you and I brin[G]g desperation to this highway, and [D]we're not the only
Outsi[G]de a stillness [Am]that could only be s[C]ummer and [G]we are Mendicino bound
Feeli[C]ng out of place[G] as the ship that keeps on forward [D]long after it's run
And I[C]'m thinking ahead too much, but what are[D] we then, when we're not thinking
at all
I've [C]got so many loose ends, dragging be[D]hind me, mysteries that want to be
Like [Am]a maze where you could take a [C]thousand paths, [Am]Like all the questions[C]
that it does no good to ask
Some [Am]might accept it, som[D]e might complain, I[C]t's a great puzzle, but y[G]ou've
gotta like games
Like [G]a candle that's been[Am] recently blown[C] out, I ca[G]n still smell the smoke
>From[C] a chance turned to [G]missed opportunity, my la[D]test enemy of hope
A gam[G]bler knows exactly h[Am]ow much you give awa[C]y with a s[G]mile and it's real
But I[C] only gamble on[G] myself these days, I pre[D]fer the way it feels
And I[C]'m thinking aloud too much, giving too m[D]uch up, I can't wait to see the
world as it is
And h[C]ave a whole perception turn from ruins t[D]o exception, with the one tiny
detail I miss
You've gotta li[C]ke games, and workin[G]g them through
Figuring out why som[D]e win and [Am]some lose, and where does that[G] leave me and you
I've [C]met coal miners who hate coal, thieves who hate what they st[D]ole, and they
think they've figured it out
Rich [C]men who sleep preserved in warmth, who can't be hurt by any storm,
And t[D]hey think they know what life is about
But i[Am]t's a maze where you could tak[C]e a thousand paths[Am] It's all the questio[C]ns
that it does no good to ask
Some [Am]might reject it, som[D]e go insane
It's [C]a great puzzle, but you've [G]gotta like games, It's[C] a great puzzle, but
you've gotta like g[G]ames[CGCG]

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